We are now on our lunch break so the girls and i are in our usual table, we are now done and all of us have the same class so we decided to go to class early but Camila told us that she needs to go to the restroom "Guys i need to go to the restroom so you should go to class first." the other girls just nod and continue walking to our next class but i stayed and looks at Camila "I can go with you so we can go back to class together." Camila just kiss the corner of my lips and smiles widely at me and i can't help but to smile back at her " No need babe, just go with them *giggles* I know you'll miss me too much and nothing will going to happen to me" I just nod and kiss her forehead.



              I'm washing my hands when someone got my attention, lauren standing there her back leaning against the wall, she's just glaring at me but i ignore her. "Leave Y/n alone, Cabello. She doesn't like you she's only using you to make me jealous!" i just laugh at her i know that doing that makes her even more mad. Lauren push me hard and grab my shirt "We both know that she likes me lauren, that's why you are here because you are mad that Y/n finally moved on and happy with me" she glares at me and tighten her grips on my shirt. "She fucking loves me! You are just a distraction to her i told you Cabello stay away from Y/n or i will -" she got interrupted " You will what lauren?" lauren and i both look at where the voice came from and  we saw Y/n standing there with the other girls. Lauren immediately let go of me she tried to say something but  Y/n started walking to us and stop in front of lauren.


                I just keep looking at lauren and think how did she became like this? I just keep looking at her eyes, the eyes i used to adore so much but i can't see the same spark there anymore. i reach for her face and caresses her cheeks and looks at her sadly. "What happened to you lauren? you are not like this before." She just close her eyes and put her hands above mine. " I made a mistake for not choosing you, you are the only one who loves me. I want to say sorry for hurting you too much, i am just too blind at that time Y/n please believe me. I-i can't lose you." I tried not to cry because it will be makes it hard for her. I wipe her tears away and cups her cheeks "You don't need to apologize for that laur because we both know that you never saw me in that way. You know that you are not in love with me or have feelings like i had before, you are just scared to lose me for good if i moved on. Lauren you don't have to be scared and do this for me to stay in your life, we are bestfriend you don't have to act or be my girl just to make me stay because i will going to stay no matter what we are." I hug lauren tightly to let her know that i am here, i am still her bestfriend. 

I left lauren with the other girls to searched for camila. Dinah told me that she left when i started touching lauren and i know that she thinks that i choose lauren over her.   

I found camila in front of her locker getting her things. "Are you going to leave just like that?"  she didn't turn around instead she let out a sighs "I know you already made your choice Y/n, i just can't stay there to hear it." I run my hand through my hair and sighs "Camila look at me" she didn't move and i tried my best not to cry "please" i said quietly but loud enough for her to hear, she slowly turns around i cups her cheeks and kiss her forehead " I didn't choose her mila, you are the only one for me. I'm not going to leave you just like" i wipe her tears away and kiss the corner of her lips "I love you Camila and no one can change that. I know that this is too fast but i do really love you. You made me see the true meaning of love, you make me feel something that no one made me feel. You stole my heart from the start when i saw you from the very start you already capture my hear and my soul. I am so in love with you Karla Camila Cabello Estrabao."  I kissed her lips and put all the love so she can feel that everything i said are true. I pulled away and rest my forehead against her " I love you Y/F/N. You are the only one who makes my heart beat faster, you are the only one who make me fall deeper just getting to know you more. I am so in love with you." I pull her closer and hugs her tightly. I promise to myself that i will never going to let her go, i will protect and love her as long as i can. Making Camila happy and give her all the love that she deserves is all i want. She's the love of my life and i will going to cherish her forever.


What do you think guys? hope you liked this one. 

Thanks for all that keeps reading and voting for my books. I will try my best to update more and sorry for any mistakes. i hope that you'll keep supporting this imagine book and my other books. I love you all beautiful people. Please check out my two other books. thanks again guys.


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