Getting ready for Elizabeth

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This is the first time I have ever written anything like this so please be gentle! Any feedback is appreciated.


"Bring me some cake" Ciel ordered almost engulfed in the papers surrounding him on his desk.

"Yes my lord" Sebastian replied and bowed before leaving the room – not that Ciel could see him behind the towers of paperwork. Elizabeth was coming over for the next week and Ciel knew that he had to get all his work done, much to his disappointment. He only had 1 pile of work left to complete and would be done by the end of the evening leaving him and the servants a day to prepare before Elizabeth arrived. The young lord swivelled his chair around and rested his head on his hand. It was beautiful outside, the sun shone a rich golden colour and the trees stood in uniform filtering the light down onto the plants below and he was stuck inside. Ciel didn't often go outside but for the past few days it was all he seemed to want to do. Sebastian opened the door and released his master from his trance. In one hand Sebastian was clutching a plate of finely selected pastries and in the other a cup of what he expected to be an earl grey tea. Ciel hastily grabbed the plate from Sebastian's hand through a gap in the work and began to scoff down the pastries on the plate. Because of the large amount of work his butler had suggested skipping lunch to allow him to complete more work meaning he could have probably have eaten the plate and Sebastian's hand along with it.

"Oh dear, it seems you have forgotten your manners young lord!" Sebastian allowed a small smirk to spread across his face as Ciel shot him a glaring look. The young boy finished his treat and handed back the plate to Sebastian.

"Dinner will be in 3 hours, I suggest you try and finish your work before that, master" and with that Sebastian left the room and continued down the hall to the kitchen.

The night went in a flash and the two found themselves in Ciel's bedroom preparing for sleep. Sebastian slipped off the young master's shirt and glanced over the boys smooth, pale, untouched skin. Something deep inside of him clicked as his eyes filled with hunger almost able to taste the boy's soul seep out of him. He could just sense the boy's pain, anger and power, he felt his eyes begin to glow a deep pink and he quickly stood up to regain composure. Sebastian wasn't quite sure why but for the past week he was finding it harder and harder to contain his hunger around the young master. Ciel gave him a puzzled look and the butler resumed dressing the earl for sleep. Just as Sebastian was tucking the bluenette into bed he sat up and demanded a cup of tea.

"I don't think that would be wise, young master, you know you can't sleep if you have tea too soon before bed. Perhaps I could get you some warm milk instead?" the butler sighed on the verge of irritation. Ciel agreed and sat down in bed to wait for Sebastian to return. He had noticed his butler had a very short temper recently and would resort to shouting at the servants a lot more. He knew something was bothering the man but he wasn't quite sure what a demon worried about. The door swung open and Ciel passed off his worries and gladly accepted the mug off Sebastian. Slowly sipping at the hot cup Ciel swung his legs over the bed and hummed to himself, knowing full well how much it got on his butler's nerves. The earl gave a small chuckle before the mug slipped out his hands and shattered across the floor.

"Oh dear young mas-" Sebastian began before noticing the boy wince at a large amount of mug sticking out of his leg. Without thinking Sebastian bent down and began to slide his tongue up the boy's leg, lapping up the dribbling blood.

"W-w-what are yo-" The older man grabbed at the porcelain protruding from the wound and pulled it out. Ciel gave out a breathless scream under his breath and the butler came to.

"I'm sorry, my lord, I don't quite know what came over me" The demon said his voice matching his face – emotionless. Sebastian picked up the pieces of cup with demon speed and wrapped the boys leg in some bandage. He gasped as his butler tightly knotted the bandage and left the room without another word.

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