"Albert come back here!" Sophia's father yells.

Oh no. This is not going to end well.

"Who the fuck you think you are to yell at me and give me orders?!" Albert turns around but stays in place.

"Albert, stop!" Ellen says to her son.

"Sophia do something!" I say to my friend.

"I'm not doing shit. My dad shouldn't have said that. He's not his damn father." She says to me.

"I'm doing you a favour for even trying to be friendly with you and you try to act like you're my fucking father?! Fuck you!"

"I'm not trying to act like I'm your father! You just don't have the right to talk to your mother like this and act like a ten year old boy!" Sophia's father yells at him.

I really don't know how Albert didn't leave the house yet. I think he's doing this for his mother.

"Wow he's really holding his ground.. You know that he's doing this for you right?" Sophia says.

"What?" I ask with a confused expression. Why would he be doing this for me?!

"He didn't leave the house yet because you're here, Ems."

"Well, what can I do?" I really want to fix this. If it wasn't because of me, her mother wouldn't have said that about Albert's future.

"I'm acting like a ten year old boy?!"

"Yes, you are!"

Sophia's father is pushing the rope and I think if he doesn't shut up Albert is going to lose it. He's really taller and he is so angry that he's kind of intimidating. Even for Sophia's father. I have to do something to fix this situation. If I let this continue I think that someone is going to get hurt and I'm not talking about Albert.. I can see his fist. He's going to beat him. I have to do something!

I walk towards him. I'm shaking and I really don't know what I'm doing.

"Albert.. I think you should really calm down," I say touching his fist. He's using a t-shirt so I can feel the warmth radiating from his tense body.

He instantly looks at me by my touch and his fist disappears. He steps back from Sophia's father. His dark eyes are melting into a beautiful type of brown mistured with green.

We are staring at each other and he looks at my hand in his. I can feel his heavy breathing puffing against my forehead and I love the way he is looking at me, his eyes are so deep. His dark gaze dropped to my lips.

When he caresses my hand with his warm own I stop breathing. His touch makes my body electrifies and I think I'm going to pass out at any moment.

"Emily..." His sexy voice trails off, sending a shiver through me.

I instantly take my hand and step away from him. He's still looking at me and I'm terribly blushing.

I look at Sophia and she gives me a wild grin.

"Okay, let's forget this mess and go back to the table please." Ellen says trying to smooth the situation.

We go back to the dinning room and we're in our seats.

Albert is still looking at me. And I can't understand if he's pissed for stopping him or if he's happy that I did it. His expressions are really hard to read.


"Thank you for the lovely dinner, the food was great," I say.

"Please if someone has to say thank you here it's me, dear!" Ellen says.

I give her a smile and look at Albert.

We stand up from the table and I start helping Ellen with the dishes.

"Don't you dare touching on those dishes! You have done enough good tonight!" She says with a smile.

"Thank you but I really don't mind to help,"

"You're incredibly sweet! I'm so proud that you're so close to my Albert,"

"Oh, I'm not very close to him!" I innocently say.

"Oh sorry! I thought you were dating.."

"No! We're not dating at all," I say with a surprised tone and blushed cheeks.

"Oh, I'm so sorry! Albert was always so temperamental and he never liked to receive orders, so when you begged him to stop fighting earlier I thought that you were together."

"We're friends.." I say with a smile to make her understand that I'm not planning dating with her son.

"Well but he really seems to like you, dear, and I say this not only as a mother."

I really don't know what to say. Ellen is the second person saying that Albert likes me. Has everybody lost their minds?!

"I think is better I go home.. I still have some work to do for tomorrow,"

"Of course! You're always welcome here! Come in any time," Ellen says giving me a hug.

"Thank you so much! I will," I say with a smile.

"Sophia, I'm going home.." I say as I enter in the living room.


"Yeah.. I still want to prepare some things for tomorrow.."

"Okay.. Thank you for coming,!sweetie!" Sophia says hugging me.


"Bye Emily!" Sophia's father says.

I enter in the hallway. As I'm opening the door a hand presses into my arm and I am turned involuntarily. I knew it was Albert somehow.

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