Am I being watched?

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~~Y/N's POV~~

   As I'm walking to school, I get this chill and it isn't very welcoming. I turn my head towards the woods, but everyone calls the woods, "Slender Woods" and I always wondered why. When I look into the woods, there are only just trees. "I'm just jumpy, that's all..." I sigh, nearing the high school. I cross the street and walk to the front doors but only to be stopped by Maggie.

"Aw... If it isn't Y/N, the little whore?" Brittney snickers, stepping beside Maggie.

"Oh, the bitch is here? Ah, finally!!" Hannah laughs, stepping behind me, as well as Crystal.

" What is this, 2010? That outfit is SOO 6 years ago!!" Crystal sighs, pushing me to the ground.

"Girls, lets teach her a lesson...." Maggie laughs, kicking me in the stomach, HARD.

  As they continue to beat me up, I felt like I was being watched, again. But right now, it doesn't matter....

~~Unknown POV~~

     "I can't believe this is what humans do to each other....." I sigh, watching 4 humans girls beat up 1 lonely girl..... I feel bad for her but there is something different about her..... "I must figure out what is so different about her...." I say, teleporting away.

~~Y/N POV~~

  After 10 whole minutes of beating me up, the bell rings. " Saved by the bell...." I think to myself.

"Shit, we're going to be late!!! Again!!!" Crystal screams, running towards the front doors.

"See you at lunch, bitch!!!" Maggie hisses, kicking me one last time then walking into the school.

   "Great, I'm going to be late, again. No thanks to them....." I say angrily at myself, limping into the school building, heading to my first period.

~Time skip~

     "Finally, school is over!" I scream inside my head, excited to head home to take a walk in the woods. As I walk past Maggie and her friends, they turn their head and laugh. I run out the front doors and run home. As I start to slow down, I get that same feeling again. I try to ignore it but fail. I start to run home. As I reach my home, the door is closed. " Strange ,  the door is usually open...." I think out loud, reaching the door knob. "Please, be asleep...." I whisper, turning the door knob and open the door. Inside, my mother and father are passed the fuck out. "Thank God...." I whisper, walking up the stairs. Entering my room, I throw my bag on the floor, taking out my phone and my sketch book. I grab my green hoodie and my violin (Yes, you are playing with the violin. Deal with it). I open my bedroom door but soon hear yelling.

" You little bitch!! You better be in this house!!!" My mother yells, heading up the stairs.

   I close my door, locking it. I run to my window, open it, and jumps out of my room. I land right on my feet with perfection. "I guess that practice was worth it." I say aloud, walking into the woods.

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