The echo cave

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*Disclaimer- I still don't own it.

"Jesus Christ." Emma's voice rang out, echoing off the walls of the cave. Their surroundings were dark, but there was a small opening at the top of the cave that let the moonlight in casting a brilliant blue around them. There was a cage in the middle of the cave, but as the group looked around they all came to the same conclusion, there was no way to get over to the cage. "How the hell are we suppose to get over there?" Emma spat turning her gaze to Hook. Hook smirked, "Now that we are here love, i'll tell you about this place." He surveyed the rest of the group to make sure they were paying attention and then he continued. "The echo cave is used to hold something that someone doesn't want you to get to. The only way to get to the middle of the room... is to tell your deepest secrets."

Everyone gasped and their faces all held the same amount of shock. Regina and Emma glanced towards each other and Emma audibly gulped. "You've got to be kidding me." Emma said with a sigh. "I'm afraid not love." Hook said with the biggest smile. 'damn it Neal, you've always been a pain in the ass.' Emma thought as she looked towards the cage. "Neal?! Are you in here?" Emma yelled, but received no answer. "Damn it, Neal?!" Emma yelled again. There was a clattering coming from the cage and then a head came into view. "Emma?" He said, his voice weak. "We're coming to get you Neal, just hang on." Emma said, then turned back to the group. "So... who's starting?" Emma said uncomfortably. "I will love." Hook said, his face had a shit eating grin plastered on it and Emma didn't want to know what was about to come out of his mouth.

"I'm in love with Emma." He said cockily, Snow and charming shared a look, Emma's jaw dropped, and Emma felt Regina stiffen behind her. All of a sudden the ground around them started to shake and a step appeared before them, making the first of many steps appear that will take them to the cage.

"Charming and I... we want to try to have another baby.. a baby we can raise... the whole way." Snow said smiling, she turned and gave her husband a loving kiss. Emma's heart felt like it was breaking and she had tears well up in her eyes. Emma turned from them to Regina and looked into the brunette's eyes. The ground shook again and another step appeared. Regina took a step closer to Emma wanting to comfort her lover, she went to take another step when Tinkerbell spoke. "I'm in love with Hook." She said quietly and the ground shook yet again.

Emma and Regina were the only two that didn't react to the news, they were in their own world. Emma was trying so hard not to cry and Regina's heart was breaking for her blonde lover. "Emma." Regina started but she didn't know what to say.

'God those two idiots. Can't they see that they just hurt their daughter.' Regina thought as she cast a glare over Emma's shoulder.

"Regina... I need you." Emma whispered softly, it couldn't even be considered a whisper. Without thinking Regina closed the distance between them and enveloped Emma in a tight hug. "I love you Emma." Regina whispered into Emma's hair. "I love you too Gina." Emma whispered back and she buried her head in Regina's neck. "Brace yourself Emma..." Regina said as she pulled Emma back and looked into her eyes. Regina glanced over Emma's shoulder again but no one was paying them any attention. Regina cleared her throat loudly. "Emma and I are in love... She is my true love and I am hers." Regina said loudly, before anyone could say anything Regina lent in and kissed Emma's lips softly, but passionately.

A high pitch scream came from Snow and followed by yet another thud. Regina pulled back from Emma and they rested their foreheads together. "Darling, if your mother doesn't stop fainting we will have to start wrapping her in bubble wrap." Regina said with a Smirk.

"What have you done to my daughter?" Charming yelled from his place on the ground next to his wife. He was shaking her shoulders trying to wake her. "Charming?" Snow asked quietly. "I'm here Snow." he said quietly. "Please tell me that I didn't just hear what I thought I heard." She said, not daring to open her eyes. When he didn't answer she got up and stalked towards her daughter and former step mother.

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