In the cave

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*Disclaimer- I don't own OUaT or any of their characters.

"I think the better question is, what the hell do you think you're doing?!" Emma spat moving in front of Regina and drawing her sword, Regina moved slightly closer to Emma peering over her shoulder. Her breathing was still labored from being so close to Emma and having her heart removed from her body. Tinkerbell pulled out her own sword across from them and Regina set her gaze upon on the blade.

The sword looked slightly off, something wasn't right but the room was too dark to see exactly what was wrong. "You aren't a part of this, I suggest you leave now." Emma smirked at the other blonde, "I don't think I'm going anywhere blondie." Emma said, her smugness clear in her voice. Tinkerbell raised an unimpressed eyebrow at Emma, "Why do you even care? Do you know who this woman you're protecting is? Do you know everything she's done?" Tinkerbell snarled walking closer towards the pair.

Emma's gaze grew dark, her eyes narrowed, and her breathing was off. She raised her sword towards the woman and stepped forward as well. "Why I am here is none of your concern." Emma snarled through gritted teeth. With every second the part Emma was becoming more furious, furious that Regina almost died, furious that this fairy who she grew up believing was a sweet and harmless had been seconds from destroying the woman she was in love with.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Emma spat taking another step closer to the fairy. "I don't care who you are, if you ever touch her again i swear to god i'll make you wish you were dead." Emma's was starting to see red. Behind her Regina flinched at Emma's words, never in all the time she has know Emma, has she ever heard her talk like this or her voice sound like this, and to be honest it scared her. This wasn't the Emma that she knew, the Emma she loved. No, this Emma reminded Regina way to much of her own Evil Queen day's, she was full of anger and hatred and Regina just wanted the old Emma back, her Emma. Cautiously Regina stepped forwards and placed her hand on Emma's lower back and whispered in her ear, "Emma honey calm down I'm alright."

Emma softened at the touch and even more so when she was greeted with Regina's smooth voice in her ear and her warm breath on her ear. Tinkerbell was beyond furious watching the display take place, she didn't know who this blonde was and every second she was there, she was delaying her vengeance. "Look's like I'll just have to kill you both." Tinkerbell spat as she charged towards Emma. With wide eyes Emma pushed Regina back and braced herself with a steady foot behind herself. Tinkerbell came at her, sword making contact with her own and the battle started.

They were both moving so fast Regina wasn't sure who had the upper hand and she wanted to help so bad, but she couldn't, if she used her magic she might hit Emma. The battle continued Tinker taking swipes at Emma and Emma blocking them, Emma went to block a blow jumping backwards, but what she wasn't prepared for was there to be a rock there and that cause her to fall to the ground. Regina's eyes started to tear up and then it happened, she finally figured out what was wrong with that blade of Tinkerbell's, it was laced with dreamshade. "Nooo!" Regina screamed and her hands shot out freezing Tinkerbell in place about to stab Emma and she ran over and tore the blade out of the woman's hands. Emma's eyes were wide and her breath ragged. She quickly stood back up and moved away from the woman. Regina's magic was still weakened from her heart being remove so the spell wore off rather quickly. Tinkerbell's eyes started to water and she fell to the ground landing on her knees. "She took everything from me." Tink whispered.

"This woman standing here with us today isn't the same person she used to be while in the enchanted forest, she isn't evil anymore. She's brave and kind and caring and loving, she's a friend and a mother, do you want to take that away from her? Do you want to take a mother away from her child?" Tinkerbell's eyes widened 'loving? Is it possible Regina learned how to love after all?' she thought to herself while studying the brunette.

"I lost everything because of her, my wings, my magic, I got banished to this island, I lost all my friends and people that I considered family, I was exiled." Tinkerbell said voice thick with emotion. Emma didn't dare move to closer the the girl, but her expression softened. "I'm telling you the woman that did those thing's is gone, she learned how to love. She has a beautiful child that she is truly in love with, and that changed her. The Evil Queen is dead, the woman standing here with us is just Regina." Emma said while walking closer to the dark haired woman and she smiled kindly at her and wrapped her arm around her waist.

Tinkerbell look up taking in Regina, she didn't remind her at all of the woman she met all those years ago, no this woman looked scared and weak, though their appearances were the same the woman had definitely changed. Tinkerbell sighed, "Why are you here?" She asked leaving the subject alone. "The boy that I was talking about her son, our son, she was taken by pan and we were looking for you to see if you could help us." Tinkerbell's head shot up as soon as the blonde said the words 'our son'. Could it be possible that Regina not only found love for a child, but... for someone else?

"Why on earth would I help her?!" Tinkerbell said standing up. Emma once again got in a protective stance in front of Regina, "Even if I wanted to help you, Pan would kill me! I won't risk my life for her, not when I don't have any where else to go." Emma looked at Regina and gave her a pleadingly look and then looked back at Tinkerbell. "You... you can come back with us when we leave... if you help us get our son back." Emma said surprising not only the other two women but herself as well. Regina looked at Emma like she grew to heads. "Really? You'd let me come with you?" Tinkerbell asked quietly."Yes, but there are some conditions. first of all, you stay away from Regina, I don't want you trying to kill her again, and you have to help us get Henry. If you can do those things then yes, you can come back with us, and when we get back, I'll talk to the blue fairy about getting your wings back."

Tears gushed down Tinkerbell's face, "okay, I can do that."

"Good, get what you need, we leave now." Emma said and she turned back to Regina. She took the brunette's hand in her own and pulled her closer holding her hand in front of her chest by her heart. Emma smiled pleadingly at her once more, "I'm sorry." Emma said quietly, "It was the only way she would help us." Emma said getting just a little closer. Regina smiled at her, this was the Emma that she knew, the Emma she loved. The darkness that came out of her earlier was gone and Regina was ecstatic. "It's alright Emma, I understand." Emma squeezed her hand and turned to look at Tinkerbell and she was gathering something's up. "I'll take you back to the others, I know where they are." Tinkerbell said once she finished, turning to walk out the exit.

Emma and Regina followed her towards the exit, but as soon as they reached the exit Regina tugged Emma back inside and before Emma knew it, Regina's full lips were on her's and Emma's bottom lip slipped between Regina's. Emma moaned at the contact her hand slipped around Regina's waist pulling her closer and Regina's arms snaked around Emma's neck. Not wanting their kiss to become too heated at the moment, Regina pulled back and rested her forehead against Emma's. Their chests were heaving and breathing was labored and they both had breath taking smiled on their faces. "Thank you Em, for saving me." Regina said softly. Emma leaned back into Regina placing her lips there once more giving her a short, but loving kiss. "I'll always save you."

Regina pulled back giving Emma a mock glare, "Be careful Miss Swan, those words are a little too close to those of your two bumbling parents for comfort." Regina smiled showing Emma she was sort of teasing and Emma pulled back and rolled her eyes. "Let's go find out son." Emma said taking Regina's in her own and they both exited the cave.

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