Sleeping arrangements

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*Disclaimer- I don't own Once or any of its character!

"Where on earth have they gone?" Snow said while frantically pacing around the campsite. "What if something happened to them Charming? What if Regina hurt our baby?" Snow's mind was racing a million miles an hour. "Snow calm down, I'm sure they're both alright." said charming as he got up and walked over to his pacing wife. he slipped his arms around her waist and pulled her into him and placed a tender kiss to her cheek. Snow's breathing was starting to calm and her body was slowly relaxing into his hold. "I just don't want anything to happen to her... to either of them." Snow said that last part quietly but charming still heard her.

No matter what has happened in their past a part of Snow White has always loved the evil queen and a part probably always will. Charming said nothing and just held his wife tighter.

"I don't know Gina, I know that we aren't to far away from Pan's camp, but we need to find Neal... It's the only way." Emma's voice was heard, and it was getting increasingly louder as the pair got closer to camp. "Emma!" Snow yelled and ripped herself out of her husband's embrace and ran to her daughter. Upon seeing the blonde the pixie haired brunette launched herself into her arms and squeezed her tightly."Thank god you're alright, I was so worried about you." Next to Emma, Regina rolled her eyes at the statement. "Of course she's alright, she was with me." Regina said cockily and Snow pulled back and glared at her. "I know, that's why I was worried." "Why on earth would I do anything to hu..."

"ENOUGH! both of you!" Emma yelled jumping between to the warring women, Emma's back was to Regina and she looked directly into Snow's eyes. "Can you leave her alone for five minutes? God, Regina isn't going to hurt me or anyone else here." Snow's eyes widened at her daughter, no matter how many times Emma has stood up for Regina and protected her Snow never understood and every time she was left wondering what on earth was going on, why her own daughter was protecting someone who had tried to kill her on multiple occasions. "Emma you don't know her like we do." Was Snow's weak argument. Emma's eyes darkened and she stepped closer to her mother, "No. You do not know her like I do." Emma said through gritted teeth. Snow took a step back from her daughter, she didn't know what to say. "Enough." Emma continued. "You ,mother, will leave her alone, no more comments, no more looks, no more anything. Do you understand?" Snow simply shook her head in confirmation, she was too shocked to say anything,

"Good." Was Emma's only reply before she turned away from her mother and grabbed Regina's arms and drug her to the other side of camp where the other were. Emma glanced into Regina's eyes and her heart broke a little bit, no matter what Regina put up on the outside, the thing's that people say to her really do hurt, she just tries to hide it. Emma squeezed Regina's arm and they sat down on the log they had sat earlier. Snow walked back to Charming without a word and she wrapped her arms around him for support. His arm went around her shoulders pulling her slightly closer.

"Well, now that that's over with we can get on with it." Hook said coming to standing in the middle of the group. "our little buddy Neal is being held in the Echo Cave." Glancing around he could tell that no one here knew what they were, well apart from Tinkerbell anyway. Hook sighed, "Well then tomorrow is going to be full of excitement, I think I'll save the explanation for until we get there."

"Why? Why not tells us now?" Emma said her eyes narrowed. "Because love, if I told you now, you all would talk about things and it would ruin our chances of getting Neal out." Emma stood up and got closer to the pirate, "Just tell us, I'm in no mood to play your games." Emma spat getting up close and personal with him. His face broke into a smirk, "You're quite adorable when you're angry love." Hook said, non to quietly either Regina's anger bubbled up in her veins and she stood up and placed herself between the two, "Okay sea rat, back your corner." Regina hissed pushing him backwards and away from Emma. Emma's mouth was a gap and her eye's were wider than usual, Regina turned back around grabbing a hold of Emma and dragging her back over to their spot. Across from them Snow's mouth was hanging open as well. 'What just happened?' she thought as her brow furrowed.

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