Chapter 11

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I went to Emma's school to help her. I was her one and only boyfriend. No one could ever take her away from me. She lifted me up.

" Luke why did you come?" He asked while she played with my hair

" I came to save you Emma I didn't want that jerk to touch you" I said while putting my head on her shoulder.

The school bell rang I forgot Ashton was outside waiting for me.

" ok baby ill see you later ok I love you text me when you get the chance I love" I said as I kissed her cheek.

" ok lukey ill see you later" Emma said

Emma ran off to class. I didn't want that john kid touching my girl. I love her, But I didn't really know about her. Maybe I should take her on a date. I walked out the hallway Made sure no one saw me. I got in the car with Ashton.


I ran off to class I had science. I talked to the science teacher, mr. Brown, he told me to sit down between to boys. Ugh where are the girls in my class there was about 6 girls in my class including me. I was sat between A nerd and a regular boy.

The nerd was named marcel

And the regular guys name was Devon.

I had to say Devon was nice. Anyhow I didn't really have anything I shared with Devon most of the science period

" hey emma" Devon whispered

" yeah Devon" I answer quietly

" are you Harry styles daughter?" He asked

" yeah why?" I asked

" I'm just wondering I think your really pretty" he said

" thanks " I said while smiling

" you wanna go out on a date?" He asked

" I'm sorry Devon I'm already dating someone" I said

The bell rang for last period. I had drama. My favourite thing of all, I always wanted to be an actor,

" Devon what do you have now?" I asked

" umm math what about you?" He said

" oh I have drama ill talk to you later." I said

The drama wasn't far from the science room. I pulled out my phone luke texted me.


Babe how are things going I miss you and tell me if that jerk does anything to you ok I love you ; )

I replied


babe he didn't do anything I'm heading to my last class so ill see you soon ok I love you

I texted back and put my phone in my bag. I entered the room. Many people looked at me. To many people even the drama teacher did

" um hi" I said

" hello Emma styles" everyone said

" is something wrong?" I asked

" oh nothing is" everyone said

" ok" I said weirdly

I walked In the room and sat beside. Two girls, we did some fun drama stuff. They were holding auditions for grease. I wanted to land the lead roll so badly. Auditions were next week, after 20 minutes the bell rang to get out of school. I headed to my locker for my homework and stuff, I walked out to the main hallway I heard some girls talking about Luke from 5SOS. I bet he came to pick me up. Or they heard about the whole John and Luke thing. I walked out the doors I saw Devon i waved to him. He waved back I saw Luke. Ugh I love that boy. He ran up to me and hugged me. He lifted me off the ground, I heard some girl say " Luke you can do better than her" and " Luke dump her dump her hard. I Ignored the comments. Luke held my hand. We go in the car the Ashton was driving. Calum was already in the front.

" hey Emma" Ashton and Calum said

" hey boys" I said while looking down at the ground

" awe what's wrong emma?" Luke asked

Tears came down my face. Luke pulled me in to his chest. He wiped of a tear. I looked up at him

" baby tell me what's wrong?" Luke said

" I wanna tell you but with no one around" I said

" oh Emma where at your house." Ashton said

" boys I'm going to Emma's house so erm pick me up later" Luke said to Calum an Luke

We walked in the house together. We plopped down on the sofa. Luke pulled me in and asked me what happen after I explained what happen.

" baby I got 2 tickets to see pierce the veil wanna come?" He asked

" lukey I can't Harry won't let me" I said while looking down.

I hear a car come in to the drive way it was Harry I didn't know how Luke could go. I rushed him up to my room. He hid under my bed. I heard footsteps coming up to my room,

" Emma may I come in" Harry said

" sure one sec daddy" I said

I opened my windows and Luke out and I showed him the sign of ill text you later. I let Harry in he hugged me

" dad what's up?" I asked as he broke the hug

" angel I just wanted to hug you" Harry said

" Mhmm ok dad" I said as I looked put the window

" how was school?" He asked

" fine" I said while rolling my eyes.

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