She won't help

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A/N- first chapter, it is different than the show, the timeline is different but i really love this idea so please bare with me!

Disclaimer- I don't own the show or any of the character, just the idea for the story.

"You have got to be kidding me right? You don't actually think of all people on the island that Tinkerbell would help us? Have you all lost your mind?" Regina spat harshly while sitting on a log resting her aching feet.

"If there is chance that she can get us into Pan's camp and out safely with Henry then I am willing to take a chance." Emma retorted just as forcefully as Regina earning her a look of loathing from the brunette. "Help us? Please all she will do is get us killed!" Regina tried again knowing that the infuriating blonde wouldn't let this go. "And you know this how?" Ema spat back, unbelieving that her son's other mother would be so against seeking out someone that could possibly be the key to saving him.

"I just do okay! I know Tinker Bell, and I know that she isn't what you're expecting her to be, she isn't a good fairy." At this point Regina was beyond frustrated and she was losing her patience with the blonde along with anyone who thought this was a good idea. "What do you mean you know her?" Emma asked curiously.

"That part is irrelevant, the point is that although you think she will help us, I know for a fact that she isn't any good and will be more than likely the cause of one or more of demises." Regina finished her tirade bringing her hand up and running it across her forehead, rubbing her temples trying to relieve some of the pressure. Spending as many days as she has with the particular group of people was slowly killing her.

Between precious Snow White and her sickeningly sweet husband with their, I will always find you's, and Hook with his stench of alcohol and lust full eyes always watching the blonde of the group, and of course there was the blonde herself. Emma, she was enough to make the once Evil Queen want to become evil again just to rip out her heart and crush it to dust before her eyes.

Regina's lips quivered at the thought trying to fight a smile. That would make her life so much easier; to have Emma nowhere near herself or Henry, to make sure that the blonde could never again interfere in her life. But even if she could do it she wouldn't, knowing the pain it would put Henry through was too much to even think about.

"No, what is irrelevant is that you know her, she doesn't know me, therefore I will find her, and she will help us get our son back." Emma was done arguing with the brunette because it was futile, no matter what, the brunette found something to argue about with her. It was exhausting having to spend so much time fighting with her, Emma just wished they could get along, all Emma wanted was to be in her son's life, but as soon as she entered the town the feud between her and her sons adoptive mother started. Regina feared the worst, that Emma was there to take Henry away from her, but in truth that wasn't what Emma wanted at all, all she wanted was to be a part of his life.

Regina had a look pure hatred on her face and if looks could kill Emma was sure that everyone in their little group, apart from Regina herself, would have been dead. Emma huffed and turned back to Hook signalling him to continue discussing hot to get to Tinkerbell's hut. Every couple of seconds the blonde would glance in the Mayor's direction only to find the her staring at the ground with look of distaste and something else she couldn't decipher.

Emma shook her head trying to clear her thoughts and trying to listen to Hook, but by the time she actually tuned back into him, he was done and they were starting their journey. Emma sighed internally hoping she didn't miss anything too important because knowing her luck her did.

-Flash back in Fairytale land-

"The darkness likes the way you taste dearie, and once it gets a taste, it wants the whole thing, you chose this life, now you're stuck with it." The imp of a man said as he sat upon the great table in the dining hall of the castle. Regina was glaring down at her plate, her appetite long lost. She didn't want this magic anymore, it made her feel wrong.

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