Chapter 1

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A/N: So this is my first Wattpad story and I had had this idea for a while I just didn't know how to write about it until now

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A/N: So this is my first Wattpad story and I had had this idea for a while I just didn't know how to write about it until now. So hopefully you enjoy it and I look forward to your feedback.

I will warn you though I will not change my writing style, like the paragraph form for instance, since it shows how far I've gotten as a writer and it helps with editing quite a bit. So enjoy the story and I look forward to hearing from you :)

Dream/Visions: Bold

Spells/Attack: Italics

It was a quiet day in Tokyo as Usagi Tsukino continued to walk around town, the wind blowing her long golden waves behind her. To any normal person this would appear to be quite peaceful, the only sound that floated along the wind was the songs that were sung by the small birds on top of the buildings. To Usagi, this was not the case for her mind was filled with worry and paranoia. Although the Sailor War had been successful and peace has now returned to the universe, it seems that more issues had appeared which changed her life drastically. Although she had managed to pull her grades up before heading to the college of her choice where she does exceptionally well, her personal life has seemed to be going in a downward spiral. She had long since had her relationship with the future king terminated alongside the relationship with her supposed future daughter, who had returned to the past for a short time. Now though it appears that the inner senshi, the people for whom she believed to be close allies, have begun to avoid her and treating her poorly.

Although she knew that they were finally able to have the normal life they all craved, the ability to get back the feeling of normalcy that they had missed after transforming. That still doesn't give the reason why they avoid her, knowing full well that at her say they will begin the erection of Crystal Tokyo. The new era will be formed and yet the only ones who seem to accept their sealed fate was The outer senshi, whom have accepted Usagi as their future leader and have since given her the help she had needed. With these thoughts she felt a sinking feeling fill her body as she knew, deep down inside her, that something terrible was to occur. It became prominent when Queen Serenity, her mother for whom she had yet seen since their last encounter, appeared before her in the dream realm.

A dark veil surrounded the Moon princess as she looked around, the only thing in her sight was a path made of white stone that continued forward. With great courage Usagi walked forward into the darkness, staying on the path as her dress fluttered as she moved. With each step she took the veil began to open, revealing a glowing figure at the end. While the figure approached her Usagi felt no worry nor fear towards the creature, instead a warm feeling engulfed her in a comforting embrace. With each step the two took towards each other, the clearer the figure became as the familiar white odango styled hair and kind blue eyes showed through. "Princess Serenity..." the melodious voice called forth from the creature's lips as the light finally dimmed, revealing the person behind it. As Usagi stared at the figure her heart ached with sadness and joy, for there standing in front of her was her past mother. Queen Serenity smiled at Usagi as she opened her arms, the warmth from before surrounding them. Usagi could not bear it any longer as she ran towards her and fell into her mother's embrace, the two weeping as they held onto each other tightly. Queen Serenity placed a kiss on top of her daughter's head, causing the younger princess to calm down slightly as they pulled away slightly.

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