"Ok bye" I said waving at him shyly.

"Eww you like him" Hope ask me.

"Yeah why"

"I don't its something about him idk but I don't like him" Hope said making me get upset with her.

"Hope give it sometime you'll like him soon enough." I said at Hope getting mad at the fact she don't like the guy I like.

2 Hours later

"Who is it?" I yelled at the hotel door as someone knocked on it.

"Rose" I heard Rose voice making  me open the door to see Rose in some wore down clothes looking like she  ready to go build a house. "Yall ready?" she asked as she enter our hotel room.

"Yes" I said as we walked out the room and to Rose's car.

We pulled up to this big grey and blue house. It was beautiful I was all most in tears. I cant believe my grandma left me a house.

We pulled up to the house and the car I picked out yesterday was in the driveway also.

Walking in the house it was the opposite of the outside. It was dusty and dark.

We started off by cleaning up the house with the cleaning supply Rose had in her car.

About three hours later the house was clean and all we needed to do now was paint the walls, turn on the electricity and water, then buy some furniture for the house.

"Look Like we are done here. If you need help with anything just call me, here's my number." Rose said to me handing me a card with her number on it. " Oh and here's your car keys."

"Ok thank you for everything you done for me, for us."  I thanked Rose

"We not done yet we still need to fix up the Bakery . Ill be back tomorrow. " Rose said walking out the house. It was just me and Hope now.

"Lets go shopping!" Hope yelled getting hyped.

"Yeah" I said smiling at her. I locked up the house as we walked out to my car.

"Can you even drive?" Hope asked

"Yeah I learned my sophomore year."

"Oh well do you even have the keys to the car?"

"Yeah Rose gave them to me before she left. Now stop asking questions lets go shop!"

As I drove I decided to go to AT&T.

"Hello how may I help you?" The lady greeted us as we walked in.

"We are here to buy phones for the both of us."

"You buying me a phone?" Hope aked me getting happy that she was getting her first phone. 

"I mean you are fourteen in the eighth grade.... I just thought I would because you are old enough and im assuming responsible. But if you don't want one I guess ill just.."

"Girl quiet playing with me you know I want a phone" Hope said smiled at me. I haven't seen this girl smile this much. I was happy that she's happy.

"So what type of phone do you guys want?" the same lady asked us.

"Umm can I get an IPhone what you want Hope?"

"Umm how bout a Galaxy"

"OK lets start with the IPhone what IPhone do want?..."

"Umm how about the IPhone 6s Plus me."

"And what type of Galaxy?..." the lady asked

"The Galaxy 6s edge" Hope asked for

After we turned on our phone and did everything we needed before we could take the phones home with us.

"OK the cases you picked out will be delivered to you house in about six to seven days but until then here are your screen protectors.  "Also you have unlimited text messages and calls and unlimited wifi and hotspot. Will that be all for you guys?"

"Um what if I lose or break my phone will I have to buy a whole new phone?" I wondered

"No you bought insurance so that will just replace it. Oh and here's you guys numbers I wrote it on a piece of paper for yall."

"OK thank you" I said  as I grabbed the paper with my number on it as Hope grabbed the one with her number on it. After I paid for everything we walked out the store and back into the car.

"Where to now?" Hope wondered.

"Furniture store then back to the hotel"

"Oh ok" was the last words spoken was I pulled out the parking lot and to the closes furniture store.

"Welcome to Lucy's Furniture store how may help you today?" A lady asked us as we walked in.

"Well I just moved into my new house and I am looking for everything" I said honestly, knowing I don't know how to decorate my house other than my own room. 

"Well I can help you with that right this way."

Its 6:30 and we are finally finished with shopping.

"All you furniture will be delivered to you house in three days."

"Dang that fast"

"Yes we work fast and they will help you put your stuff up in your house how and where you want it. You total will cost one thousand and a hundred and ten dollars. You will not need to pay when the workers are at your house but you can tip if wanted."

"OK thank you" I thanked the lady as I paid for my things and left out the store.

We got back in the car and headed back to the hotel.

Life is going better for Mya and Hope will life get even better?

Feel Un-wantedWhere stories live. Discover now