Chapter 4

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Ryan's POV:

We all walk into Snooze and are just about to sit down at the table, when I hear Brent sighs "oh No"

I look past him and see not welcome, but familiar faces. Celeste and Tim. My ex-girlfriend and my ex-friend, with whom she cheated on me.

I hear her fake voice "OMG, Hiiiii Guys, I haven't seeing you for so long"

I hear Zach whispers through clenched teeth "not long enough" and I suppress a laugh. She hugs everyone except Lindsay, she just simply ignores her.

When she comes to me, she squeals loudly "Oh Ryan, Honey" and she flings herself around my neck, squeeze me so hard I almost suffocates in her perfume and tight embrace. I have not let go of Melina's hand, and now Celeste fix her eyes on her.

"Oh Ryan, who is she?" She says coldly

"This is my girlfriend, Melina." I say, I put every emotion I feel in the words MY GIRLFRIEND .

"Oh, Ryan I'm glad you finally found a girlfriend, you were in such a mess, when I left you." Celeste is eyeing Melina up and down and continues.

"But darling, what happened, you never were much into that skinny blond kinda of look, you always said that repelled you" I feel Melina tremble a bit, and I squeeze her hand. That is a lie and I just hope that Melina, knows what Celeste is trying to do.

Before I have the chance to answer Tim walks up beside Celeste and put his arm around her shoulder, and he says to Melina.

"Oh, don't take notice of those two old lovebirds" He winks at her and reach out to greet her, she take his hand. He holds on to her for too long and smirk at her "I'm Tim, you and I could get along just fine, if those two wants to catch up on old times." Melina quickly put her hand back in mine, still not saying anything. I cannot believe the idiot is flirting with my girlfriend right in front of me and in front of his own girlfriend, who he happens to have stolen from me a year ago. There is just no end to his stupidity.

Well Celeste did not seem to mind, she just squeals pointing at Melina's broken wrist "Ooohhh Sweetie, what did you do to your hand, that looks nasty. Ryan don't appreciate clumsy girls - he prefers his women perfect without cuts and bruises......Just saying!!!" I feel Melina shaking and I sense that the others are moving restlessly on their chairs. I squeeze Melina's hand even tighter and I just wish that Celeste would go away. Tim, the idiot, burst out laughing really loud and smirk at me.

"Hey Tedder, your badass...don't tie your girl so hard to the bed, that she breaks her wrist" I feel the rages inside me, and I sense that Zach is getting up from his chair. Before I get a chance to say or do anything Melina squeeze my hand, tilts her head a little bit to the side and look at Tim with innocent, but yet devilishly seductive eyes and says

"Oh, Tim, if only you knew" her voice is so sweet and alluring it is sending sparkles down my spine and I see the immediate effect she has on Tim. He swallows hard, widens his eyes and starts to breath faster. I can almost sense the drool running out of his open mouth and the blood pumping through his veins.

I hear Lindsay giggle, Zach and Brent cough to hide their laugh, Eddies is hiding his face in his hands and Drew holding his hand above his mouth, but his shoulders shaking of suppressed laughter.

I hear Celeste gasps with fury, and I do everything to suppress my own laughter. Melina is totally cool and she sucker punch him by making her eyes even more intense and bite her lip.

Tim gulps and I almost, but just almost, feel sorry for the punk. I know what she is doing to him, she does the same to me sometimes. The difference is that when she teases me like that, I can pick her up, bring her bed and make love to her on the spot. Tim can only stand there drooling and sweating like an idiot.

I am fighting not to burst out in laughter, Zach and Brent are now face down against the table and sobbing of laughter, Eddie still hides his face in his hands, but the silent laughter has been replaced with loud sobbing sounds, both Drew and Lindsay has turned their back to us and are shaking from their laughter cramps. Celeste is seething with rage and drags poor Tim out of the restaurant.

When they are out of sight, and we all burst out in loud laughter, except Melina. I pull her into my arms, kiss her deeply and say "You were brilliant, baby." I look into her eyes, and see a sign of insecurity I kiss her again to make it go away.

"OMG that was awesome, did you see him?" Zach says while wiping his eyes.

Eddie cries between his laughter "I bet he regrets wearing those tight jeans, right now. That is the funniest thing, I have seen in ages"

"I almost feel sorry for that idiot, did you have to make him stumble out of here with his tongue flapping behind" Brent hiccups through laughter cramps

"Hey, they were cruel" Melina defends herself. I sit down on the chair and gently pull her down on my lap, I hide my face in her hair, and whispers against her soft spot underneath her ear

"Baby, you were awesome." I kiss her on the neck and I feel her tremble while leaning her head against mine and merge her healthy hand into my hair.

"Arrgh, get a room, you guys" Eddie scolds at us throughout laughter.

Lindsay says "Oh, Melina, you have to teach me that trick"

Zach stops laughing for at second "Hey, hey why?"

"Oh, that could come in handy sometimes" Lindsay smirk at him and he pulls her in, tickle and kiss her deeply.

"Arrrgh, geeezz. You too, should get a room!" Eddie scolds again.

I look at Melina again and see that she still looks a bit uncertain and I wonder what she is thinking. I pull her even closer and whisper "I love you so much, Beautiful, you know that, right?"

We only get one lifeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora