"What are you doing here? You usually only come once a week to do laundry."

"... You've seen me... before yesterday?" I ask, squinting.

"It would be hard not to," he murmurs softly and my heart rate picks up. Stop this, Iris. What the hell are you doing? "I mean- with who you are. Everyone knows you."

Damn. I had almost believed he didn't pay attention to the headlines. "You know who I am?"

"Yes. I've seen your pictures on billboards."


He breathes out slightly, running his hand over the hair just below his lips. "Well? You going in?"

"No, no- I actually came to see you."


"Yes, I wanted to make sure you were okay after last night. You left pretty fast."

He looks down after a moment and I purse my lips, uncomfortable at his silence.

"I mean, I just- I find you interesting."

"Interesting? Why?"

"I don't know yet. I just- can usually read people well. Not you."

"I'm not interesting, Iris. I can tell you that now."

My brows curve into each other at his words.

"... Well, I'm going to dinner. It's about two blocks from here. I'm inviting you. If you'd like to- come. If not, I guess I'll see you next time I'm here."

I turn with a small smile and begin my trip back to the car. Feeling eyes on me, I bite my lip, looking back. His gaze is intense but cautious. I have no idea what he's thinking.

Maybe that I'm a lunatic. I feel like one.

Or maybe he's just as curious about me.


I look up, grinning at my table for two when I finally see Stellan walk through the door. The owner sizes him up and down, frowning. "You lookin' for a table?"

He points to me, awkwardly. "I'm with her."

"Ah... alright."

The owner's hesitance isn't lost on either of us. Stellan walks over to the table, ignoring the looks of disbelief from the people around us.

"I was beginning to think you wouldn't show," I murmur, gesturing to the chair.

"I wasn't going to when I saw the paparazzi outside."

I bite my lip, nodding. "Someone must have told them where I am. I'm used to it by now."

"I don't know how someone could ever get used to that." He sits down across from me, raising a brow at the beer already located on his side.

"I ordered you a tap. You're not- you can drink-"

"I'm not an alcoholic, Iris." He smirks, leaning back. "Was that a test?"

"Yeah, it was."

"Should I expect more?"

"Wait and see. You never know."

He exhales, crossing his arms. I take a good look at him, wishing I could take off that beard, see what's underneath. "What is this, Iris? Why are you doing this?"

"I don't like mysteries."

"And I'm a mystery for you? You met me yesterday- I feel like there are many other worthy people in this world that you should probably direct your attention to."

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