"Looks a bit fake," Martin adds, lifting his head further up to look at the windshield. 

"Yeah, too attractive." 

Looking away, I glance again in the window, eyeing the city. Maybe, there is a secret competition between the hotels and casinos, where they try to make their building look attractive to attract tourists and customers to stay there and loose all their money in the casino. 

Or, they are trying to show how much money people loose in their casinos, because all these lights were not installed for free. Also, there are so much people on the streets right now. Everyone is walking around, laughing in big groups and enjoying their lives. Most are my age, although there are lots of adults and old people, who look like they have decided to become teenagers again. Not that I don't mind... 

Our driver drives us up to the hotel entrance and we get escorted to the last floor, where our rooms are. I am the last person left without a room, although they just escort Martin and I to one suite. Feeling a bit confused, I look around the huge suite. 

Most of it is chocolate - the floor, the walls and some pieces of furniture. The dark color is contrasted by white, making everything look just perfect. It's like, the designers decided to add one piece of furniture in chocolate or brick red and one in white, making the perfect contrast. The style is modern, which makes perfect sense in a place like Vegas.

"I thought," I hear Martin's voice from behind my back, "that you wouldn't mind staying in one suite with me." 

"Wait, are you serious?" I ask, just to be sure, because you never know if this is an evil joke or something. However, considering that Martin almost never pulls bad jokes on me, this might be true. 

"Yeah," Martin calls from another room, while I stand in the entrance, stunned by his words. "Waste said that there was no time to book another suite for you, so you are going to stay with me everywhere." 

"That's so cool!" I exclaim, entering the room, in which Martin stands. It is a spacious bedroom, with a king-sized bed and two large windows, showing the perfect night view of Las Vegas. 

"There is another bedroom for you," Martin says, as I look around. "It's right opposite mine." 

"Okay," I nod and take all of my things to my bedroom, which is huge. It has a large bed, with two  marble bedside tables. Opposite the windows, which show a beautiful view, there are two lounge i chairs and a small table with a champagne bottle standing on it. I don't really drink anymore and I don't need something urging me, so I take the bottle to the living room. 

I don't need to unpack - we are going to be leaving after tomorrow to head to LA, so I just take out my charger to charge my phone. Bored, I walk into the living room and sit down on one of the couches. There is an enormous flat-screen TV, which makes me want to stay in this room for ages and watch all of the TV shows, that I can imagine. 

Grabbing the remote control, I hear Martin's muffled steps coming from my back. He falls onto the couch next to me, taking out his phone from his pocket. While I switch through the channels, I can see Martin lazily scrolling through his feed on Instagram or Twitter. 

"How's Instagram going?" I ask, chuckling softly. I finally find a familiar TV series, which I decide to settle on for now, to make time go faster. 

"Good," Martin replies, taking away his gaze from the phone. "Why don't you post something?" 

"I have nothing to post," I explained, lowering the volume of the TV. "I haven't taken any good photos." 

"Take one of Vegas now." Martin elbows me softly, making me tiredly pull myself off the couch to get my phone from the room. I walk to the window and take some pictures of the amazing view. They turn out pretty well, although I still make a mental note to do some more in the morning. 


Waking up, I feel Martin's hand on my waist. I don't quite remember why I have fallen asleep in his bed, with him, but I don't mind that much. His warm breath tickles my ear and I turn around, to find him smiling mischievously with his eyes closed. 

"You are always a little bit lost, when you wake up," he whispers, while opening his eyes. His hand is still on my waist.

"Probably because I'm not used to waking up with you," I wondered, smiling at Martin. Something warm is spreading inside me, something like good mood or just plain coziness and a feeling of protection. 

"You will," Martin smirks, taking his hand off my waist and running it through his hair. 

"I hope," I reply, adding a bit of wit to my answer. 

Another chapter for everyone! Anyway, if you are reading this, comment something about yourself, so we can get to know each other ;)

I am a Russian, living in Cyprus. I enjoy listening to EDM music (Martin Garrix of course) and writing here. As well as that, I enjoy making music videos. Hopefully going to become a music video director :) 

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