Chapter 1

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"And when will you finish that review?" my boss asked as he walked in the dark room.

"Soon. I must go to the record shop and look for some of their albums." I answered in a whisper.

"Good. Make sure you finish it in two days. One of Seattle's radio station will want to read it live. Also make sure it's good. Don't write there bullshit." he said and rushed out the door.

I sighted and picked up the phone.

"Hello. You've called at DownTown Record." a familiar voice answered.

"Hey, Emma. It's Kate. I am coming now to the shop, can you please look for all Nirvana-related stuff you have there?"

"I'm already on it." Emma answered.

"Good. See you." I said and put down the phone.

I put on my black jacket and left the room. Twenty minutes later, I was at the entrance of the record shop. I looked up, took in a deep breath and entered in.

"Hey. You must write a review about...Nirvana?" Emma asked looking down at some CDs.

"Yeah. How's your job?" I asked taking the CDs from Emma.

"Actually, it's going pretty good." she said in a smile.

I sighted and smiled. "I need to go, listen to this CDs and write about them. Have a nice weekend, see you."

As I walked out the shop I found on the floor a notebook. I picked it up and opened it. On the first page was written a phone number. I took the notebook with me planning to call later that evening.

I walked for half an hour and finally got home. I unlocked the door and turned on the lights. I got dressed in some more comfortable clothes and turned on the TV.

I got my purse looking for some napkins, when I saw the notebook I found earlier. I looked at the clock. It was few minutes past 8 pm. "Maybe that person is home now..." I thought as I dialed the number from the first page.

"Sorry, um, you must have dialed a wrong number." I heard a man's voice in the phone.

"Wait. Wait!!" I hopefully said.

"I said that you have dialed a wrong number! Don't call again!" the man said and closed.

"Cool. Now what? I don't need his notebook." I said to myself.

I went on the couch and opened the notebook. More than a half of it was already filled either with drawings, sketches or something that might be lyrics. I knew some of them. I've heard them before. "It's probably a fan of Nirvana..." I thought remembering the songs I've listened.

Soon, I put the notebook away and started listening the CDs I got earlier from Emma. My heart stopped for a moment when I heard the first words. Their frontman's voice sounded like the voice of the man's I've talked to earlier. And the lyrics in the notebook...

"It can't be. It just can't be." I said almost breathless.

I ran toward the phone and quickly dialed the same number. This time someone else picked up the phone.

"Hello. Who is this?" I heard another voice than the one earlier.

"Um, hello. This is Kate Wil-"

"Kate. Kate, you have dialed a wrong number, sorry." the man cutted me off.

"Wait." I said and waited to see if he will end the call. "Please ask there if anyone lost a notebook. I found there this phone number. If anybody did, please tel him or her to meet me tomorrow at the same record shop at 10 am."

"And what was your name again?" the man asked calmly

"Kate Wilson."

"I heard your name... You write those musical reviews? Or is that another Kate Wilson?"

"That's me." I answered amazed that someone really heard about me.

"Okay then. I will ask. And great work by the way." he said and ended the call.

I walked back and laid on the couch. I felt sleepy so I went to bed.


In the morning I woke up and looked around the room. The clock showed 9:15. I lazily got out of the bed and made my way in the kitchen. I ate a donught I bought yesterday and quickly drank my coffee. I went back in the room and got dressed with some jeans and a large t-shirt, it was weekend after all. I ran in front of the mirror and brushed my hair and decided to wear no makeup today.

I put on a jacket and took the notebook. I didn't quite hurried to get to the records shop. "Probably nobody will come to get it." I thought.

I arrived in front of the shop and looked around.

"Give me that." a man pointed to the notebook I had in my hand.

"Um, sorry... It's not mine."

"Sorry, I meant to say that I am the first guy you talked to last night." he groaned.

"Oh, sorry. Here." I said giving him the notebook.

His voice was warm and raspy. It sounded like he was Nirvana's frontman. But he couldn't be. The man was dressed in a long dark green coat. He had shoulder-length dirty blonde hair. I couldn't see more than that, because the hair covered his face.

"Thanks..." he mumbled. "I heard you're Kate Wilson..."

"Yeah, that's me..." I said wondering what is he up to.

"Cool. Hey, maybe you can come over at me." he said.

"What?! The 'possible Nirvana's frontman' asked me to come visit him?" I thought actually scared.

"I know this is stupid, but, have you heard about Nirvana?" I asked surprising myself with this stupid question.

"Yes, why?" he groaned.

"First I thought you were Nirvana's frontman... What was his name...Ku-" I laughed ashamed of what I have just said.

"Kurt Cobain?" he laughed.


"Yeah... Maybe I am, maybe I am not." he said misterious. "So, can I have your phone number?"

"Hand." I demanded.

He pulled up the coat's sleeve and I wrote my phone number on his arm.

"Thanks. I'll call you in one hour."

I nodded and left home.

As I got home, I turned on the TV and switched to MTV. Few moments later, I heard a familiar song and turned around. Smells like Teen Spirit was on. I watched carefully at the guy who was singing. I gasped as I noticed he looked like the guy I met earlier.

"Damn, how idiot am I. I should have asked him what's his name." I said to myself and walked in the kitchen.

I heard the phone ringing so I went back in the living room, muted the TV and picked up.

"Kate Wilson here. Who am I talking to?"

"It's K-... It's the guy with the notebook." he said quick.


"Hey. Wanna come over at me?"

"Okay, why not?"

"Good." he said and told me his adress.

"See you then, in 2 hours." I said smiling and put down the phone.

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