Chapter Two - Remember

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Kylie's Pov

I sat in that hospital bed for 2 weeks. Yeah I had to get up to go to the bathroom or stretch my legs but I practically lived in that bed.
But now I'm home; finally.

My mom has explained to me already how I fell down some stairs and suffered from memory loss. I do remember things, like my name, how to do everyday day things, and most importantly breathe, eat, and drink.

Somethings I didn't remember was my parents, why I was in the hospital, and how to talk. I know all that now, except talking.
Yes I can think if what I want say but when it comes to vocalizing it, most of the time it doesn't like to come out. I usually utter a few words (sounding like a baby saying its first words) and before I can finish nothing else will come out while my mind is screaming the words to say. It's very complicated.

My parents have helped me a lot and I'm finally starting to get some memories back.
It still is confusing though, because sometimes I walk around and I constantly feel like I'm forgetting something important. It's tiring.

I still haven't returned back to high school because my mom says I'm not ready yet. She said it would be too tiring for me and hard for me to store what I've learned in my brain.
I've even heard my mom talking to my dad about home schooling me.

Home schooling me doesn't sound that bad because it's not like I miss anyone because I can't remember anyone at school.
Until my mom said something about school yesterday I didn't even remember it was a thing.

"Kylie honey?" I hear my mom call so I walk downstairs.

When I reach the bottom of the stairs I'm greeted by my mom standing beside a girl who looks my age.

"Kylie, Raina came to visit you, do you remember her?" My mom asks.

I stare at the girl. She has a little longer than shoulder length brown hair, green blue eyes, and she's pretty. I think for a moment before I shake my head; I don't remember this girl.

The girl, who's name is Raina, eyes start to water, "you don't remember me?" She says sadly.

I shake my head, "I-I... Sorr-y..." I manage to say.

Raina wipes her eyes, "Its okay... Well let's start all over again, hi I'm Raina, wanna be friends?"


"Okay..." I said taking all that had been said to me in.
Raina and I had gone up to my bedroom and she was explaining a bunch of new stuff to me. Well, old stuff really. It's weird to learn your whole life in a hour.

"Did you get all that?" She asks sweetly. I can tell by her voice she's not 100% comfortable with this 'new' me yet, but that's okay because I'm not 100% comfortable with her either.

I slowly nod and try to say a couple things to sum up everything she just told me.

"I... Kylie Thorne... 15 old... You my best friend... In year 9... Likes school... Good grades... And single...?" I sleepily sigh because just saying that was super tiring.

Raina nods excitedly, "Yes yes! That's who you are." She says smiling, "The more we hang out, the more you'll remember in no time. It will be great, Kylie."

I nod with my eyes drooping.

"Oh, are you tired already?" She asks and puts a hand on my shoulder.

I flinch at her touch.
No one has touched me since we left the hospital.

Raina saw me flinch and removes her hand and drops it in her lap.

"I'll go get your mother." She says quietly and slips out of my room.

After she's gone I look at my shoulder; it tingles.
For some reason I want more. I want someone to touch me again.
Why does no one touch me? Is there something really wrong with me?

I touch my shoulder and frown.

Just then my mother walks in, "You tired Kylie honey?"

My whole body is buzzing with energy from Raina touching my shoulder so I shake my head; I feel very much awake.

"Oh? Well Raina says she has to go and she'll text you later." Mother says sweetly and then walks away.

I grab my phone and unlock it. There is no password anymore because if I make one I'll most likely forget it so all I had to do was slide my finger across the screen.
I'm glad I have a phone to text with because it's so much easier to text than talk. The only people I have in my contacts are Raina and mother.
Sometimes I wonder if I had more contacts. If I chatted with lots of people and had lots of friends. If I was popular. I don't dare ask because I'm scared of the answer.

Another thing I use my phone for is when I don't feel like talking. My mom found me this app where I type something and it says what I typed. It's very helpful.

For some reason today I go into the AppStore and scroll through the most popular apps. As I scroll I slightly remember some apps such as Snapchat, Twitter and Instagram. I tap to download them and I message pops up saying I need a password.

I frown and furrow my eyebrows.
What is the password?
I can't ask my mom because she doesn't allow me to download anymore apps without her knowing or approving. I don't know why she thinks it's bad, if anything having these apps it will help me remember.


The password pops into my head and I quickly type it in.

The apps start to download and I pump my fist in the air happily.

Chapter 2 done! I have a bit of inspiration for chapter 3.... Comment if you think I should continue more! :)


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