"Dad. Is he the wiseman we're looking for? Old Albus." I mindlinked them. "Yes that's him."

I trotted towards him and looked at him differently from before. His eyes swirled with interest when he reached out to stroke my head.

"You should shift back soon," He said slowly with a rough voice. He must have seen my confusion, for he clarified. "Visualize your human form in your mind, then shift."

My dad sneered unhappily. "I'll go get some clothes for us. Don't you dare shift Lilly." He warned before sprinting off.

Not caring about what dad said, I tried shifting back. A few painful moments later, I was now back in human form, kneeling down in attempts to cover myself up. Mom gasp loudly through our mindlink.

Then, an unexpected warmth caused me to look up, startled.

"It'll get easier. The shifting." Albus covered me with a plain khaki cloth, from don't know where, and said nonchalantly. "We can head back to the cave first." He sauntered away without waiting for our response, so we just followed. I wobbled my way there with mommy wolf behind.

When dad came back, he was already dressed and was holding onto two sets of clothes. The strange thing was he appears to be dumbfounded when he saw me. Mom came back after shifting too, she scurried and held my face tightly.

"Mom what's wrong..?" I asked. "Oh, sweetheart.." she turned my head and examined in different angles while the two other stood aside. Then her weird expression faded into a beaming smile.


After spending the night in the cave, which Albus suggested, here we are. The bright morning light made the cave less dark. There's really nothing much here, except the fire torch and that piece of cloth he lent me. It must be tough being a lone wolf out in the wild.

"Wiseman, please help us. She'll be in grave dangerous if people find out about her. Is there anything you can do..?" Dad pleaded sincerely. Albus was in that lotus position again as he addressed us, unfazed by the tension in the air.

"I cannot change her fate." He dryly remarked. Mom and dad looked at each other sadly. "But I can help her control her ability."

"As for all elemental wolfs, their innate abilities can be induced by strong emotions. Once they learn how to properly master that ability, they can then use them as they want, with even better effect."

Dad wanted to say something but was cut off quickly. "It'll be troublesome if she direct her abilities at others without meaning it. Or at the wrong place or time, that way without her scent, they would already discover she's an elemental wolf." I think that's the longest I've heard him speak at one go.

"Then I'll thank you first, wiseman." Dad said, bowing slightly.

"Don't need to. I'm only doing this for the sake of your father." His expression did not reveal anything, like it doesn't concern him at all.

"Leave her with me for now." Then he proceeded to shut his eyes. "But-" Mom started. "If you can't trust me, you may all leave." Realizing they had no choice, mom took a last look at me before going out of the cave with dad.

Great.. Now I'm stuck with him. Alone. It's like facing a woodblock. So I was right, because for the next 5 minutes, it was complete silence inside the cave. I fidgeted while sitting cross-legged.

"Dia!" I called out to her. "Yeah?" She responded.

"I feel so much better after my spell was lifted. I feel healthier, more energetic and alive. All my senses became more hypersensitive. I can see, smell and hear better. God it feels good to be a werewolf!" She only chuckled at my excitement.

"Why did you suddenly shift yesterday night? And your scent. It changed overnight." Albus asked out of the blue, now looking at me for answers. I cleared my throat and started explaining the spell performed by the witch to conceal my wolf. Now I feel bad for Dia. After listening to what I had to say, he didn't commented on it, and went back to close his eyes. But I thought of something.

"You said before, for me to get into the water. Why did you do that?" I raised my brows.

"......" Nothing? Ok then.

"Water best absorbs energy. Must be the spell reversal that cause the outburst of energy." Ohh that's it, the static I felt last night when he touched me must be because of that. There seemed to be faded burnt marks across his arms once I looked carefully. I drew in a breath.

"D-Did I do that?" I pointed to the marks, though he can't see, but I'm sure he knows what I was referring to.

"........" I rolled my eyes internally. Feeling defeated, I decided not to ask him anymore.

After 10 minutes of not talking, he looked at me coldly and said, "What are you waiting for? Start meditating."

Meditate?? I groaned softly, feeling frustrated and restless. Why the hell must I come all the way to this damn cave to meditate?! Under his icily gaze, I can only swallow a nervous gulp of saliva and do as told. I sat like him and closed my eyes, front facing him.

"Controling elements is all about the mind. Understand the flow of your energy." I tried regulating my breathing while remaining in that uncomfortable position. The more I try to stay still, the more I feel itchy, weirdly. So I would scratch my head, rub my nose, or scratch my feet.

"Ouch!" I snapped open my eyes and rubbed the back of my hands. And Albus was already holding onto a branch stick.

"Focus." He lectured coldly. "I'm trying.." I whispered and scowled defiantly, then went back to "meditate". I tried talking to Dia when it got really boring but I got another hit to my arm. Seriously! How on earth does he knows what's in my head. While I'm struggling with keeping still, he's there sitting like a statue.

Ahhhh how nice would it be to go out for a run. Bet Dia would love it too. Where are my parents anyway? After 10 minutes of failing, sleep slowly invaded me. What can I say.. too much brain work makes me sleepy.


"Fo. Cus."

Fine fine fine! Argh I made a silent prayer for this whole ordeal to end as quickly as possible. Fingers crossed.

A/N: P/S whenever she speaks to her wolf, she does it in her head. Thanks for reading! Sorry for the short chapter!

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