Dont judge her

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Dressed in black, cross bones and skulls
They say behind her back
"She's just trying to be cool"

But she doesn't think she's beautiful
She has no self esteem
Everything she had has fallen apart at the seams

She's only trying to express her brokenness, her pain
But they judge her cuz they only see the outside in vain

She's got hidden scars no one has seen
She's never been more then 2 months clean

Don't judge her she's dying inside
You wouldn't know you've never asked and she only hides

She's lost all hope only trying to cope
But she's loosing strength
To grasp the rope

She's only trying to hide it
So she won't hurt you
But you just judge her and mock her too

Labeling her, never asking her story
Her arms bloody and gory
Don't you care?
She's got no one there
So don't judge her by her clothes or her hair
Just love her and tell her you care

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