Modern day cinderella

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Raindrops falling
drop drop on your pale pink I umbrella
She was a modern-day Cinderella looking for love from a true man

Walking down the street dodging potholes it was the storm of her life and she desperately needed a hero

She'd been trapped for years self-medicating inside the quietness of her cold suburban home growing up alone

Longing to belong somewhere
her long blonde wavy hair she'd thrown up in a messy bun without a

Never knowing a fathers love
He left when she was four
she grew up lonely, sad and poor

"Prince charming where are you" she'd cry out
everyone in her life had shut her out

She was Cinderella and she came from a broken home
her mother did meth
her cigarette breath
did not surprise the girl
it only made her want to hurl

"I must defend and take care of myself" she'd think but she knew she needed help

Anxiety flooded her heartbroken life she constantly carried blades and a knife

She never knew when she'd need to cut to cope
she's lost all hope

Ragged black clothes
they label her emo

But I say she's beautiful
modern Cinderella broken and bruised  lost and abused

Don't break her more
knock down these doors
show her she's valuable
make life more than just full
tell her she's lovely
break open her chains
set Cinderella free

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