I can't show my face anywhere

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I slowly tilt my head upwards to find my eyes meet with another set of eyes. Beautiful eyes might I add. I freeze recognising those green eyes. I hurrily step backwards and Adrien stares at me. He knows who I really am. He now knows that Ladybug is nothing but an awkward, clumsy fool. I place my head in one of my palms and start to run. He tries to stop me by placing his hand on my shoulder but I just wack it off. I turn around again and stand for a bit and start to run again. I grab my chat hoodie from my bag and cover my face up so no news officials come to interview me. I run through the door of my house and I can't even show my face to my parents. Even though They already know I'm still too ashamed. I slam my door shut and lock it and sit on my bed crying. Then I hear my notification noise go off. I slowly walk downstairs and go onto my computer. It's a message from the text guy but now I know it's chat noir. I look at what he says and he is asking a question. Not the questions we ask each other normally. A request. And this is what it says. "Hey, can you please go to the back of the school after school is over I think I'm ready to show who I am, if you're ready to do the same thing". I stare intensely at the computer making up my mind. I decide that's it's a good idea why not. I won't be ever going back to school anyway. Not with all this happening. I type back sure and I go out to my veranda and crouch and just look outside. It's quite calm. Not taking any notice to what is going on in my own bedroom. "Ms Dupain Cheng, may I get a book I let Marinette borrow from me for the weekend" Lila's voice rings through the bakery.

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