The 3rd Question

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"Well I'm glad that's over cya later Chat Noir!" Says ladybug swinging from building towards her computer back at home. Knowing the guy she probably got spammed again. Marinette went through the roof of her bedroom and climbed inside and went to her computer. She moved the mouse to find nothing on her notifications list. She went on and asked if he was on.  "Hey You on?" She typed and waited for a bit until a bubble came up to say he was typing back. "Oh you can't get enough of me Aye m'lady?". She laughed  as she thought he is such a charmer...a bit like chat noir haha. "Okay so you second question now" she types. "Okay um...". "Oh what class are you in?" "Woah jumping to that already okay I'm in class Ms Bustier". Marinette eagerly waits for his response. "What! am I!" Adrien answers back. "...THIS IS SOO WEIRD!!! WHO COULD YOU BE!". "That's for me to know and you to find out😏". Marinette giggles at the emoji used. "why are you being such a charmer if you don't even know who I am I could be Chloe for all you know" presses send and immediately regrets it. "Well that narrows it down a bit I'm glad your not Chloe" "okay so clearly your not Kim haha" "😂No". Sabine calls out to Marinette "DINNERS READY MARI!" She's answers okay and starts to quickly type "I have to go eat dinner bye" "bye princess possible see you tomorrow😉" Marinette laughs and heads off to dinner shutting her computer.

Hope you are enjoying , have a great day !!😘💕~ ADMIN

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