Chapter 10

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"Sir, we believe we've found her."

The tracker approaches the alphas desk hesitantly. He swallows nervously, aware of the alphas impatience. He hands him the file and exits the office as quickly as possible.

The man sitting at the desk smirks as he skims the first page.

"How ironic" he grins, "the girl traded one hell for another."

Sorrows POV

I woke just as the sun was rising. I was back in my cell, the doctor having deemed me stable. My sleep was haunted by faces; Maria, the woman I had loved like a mother, stood out the most. I could still see her face as one of Xavier's men snapped her neck. Her mates scream always accompanied it. The guilt always came back when I thought of her. Of the brief time when I was safe and loved, and of how I managed get an entire pack destroyed and the people in it that loved me mercilessly killed. The bodies are starting to pile up. The door opens and I don't have a change to blink before I'm engulfed in a hug and I feel a needle prick my neck. The world starts spinning as I comprehend what has happened.

Sorrow Remembrance ThompsonWhere stories live. Discover now