Durarara: Shizuona (Heiwajima Shizuo x Varona)

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Hey, honeys! This time I felt like doing some Durarara couples, don't worry I'm still going to do the part 2 I promised for the Yatori story 😅

Anyway, hope you enjoy!😄


Shizuo woke up, drowsy , his brown eyes opening slowly, to see he was in some kind of abandoned wearhouse, tied up in a chair.

Normaly breaking throught such a simple trap would be easy for him, but for some reason his members were feeling numb and he couldn't lift a finger.

Gradualy, his memories started comming back to him.


He was walking in the street, after another job with Tom, when a group of punks assaulted him. He was used to it, but this time his nerves where hyper, since he was going to meet Varona and was already late. He was going to punch a wall or break a motorcicle to scare the thugs of but then one of them sticked a needle on his arm. Shizuo lost his temper:

"You stupid brat! I'm gonna kill you!" - he throwed his cigarrete to the floor a tored of the ground a traffic signal.

He tried to hit the punk, but he dodged it.

"Man! This guy is just a big of a monster as I heard! That dose should be enough to put to sleep a group of horses! Hit him with all we got!" - one of the punks, that looked like the lider, ordered.

Not thinking twice all the thugs throw themselves at the man in the bartender suit and sticked countless needles in his back. Once they injected all of them, they stepped back.

Once they were of him, Shizuo still tried to grab one of them or at least hit the leader, but he felt his conscience fading, and dropping the traffic signal e fainted in the floor.

The last words he spoke, before being complete knocked down were:

"My bad, Varona. Looks like I won't make it..." - he whispered the last part.

End of Flasback-----------------------------

He grited his teeth and made another pointless effort to escape, not being able to break free from the hold.

"I bet this is all that flea bastard fault! Damn him! I gotta get out here son...IIIIIIZAAAAAAYAAAA!!!!SHOW YOURSELF!!!" - the blonde started shouting

After some minutes of shouting and no answer, Shizuo concluded that he was probably alone, he tried to understand the reason why someone would kidnap him, but at the end everytime he tried to think things throught he ended up thinking of something totaly different: how was he gonna explain his kouhai his absence? He cursed himself for leaving poor Varona alone.

Another thought interrupted his last one: what if they were targetting everyone of his work place? That way not just he but Varona and the others could be in danger to.

He shouted again desperated, but this time his screams were answered, some shady guy appeared and putting a hand on Shizuo's shoulder started talking with him like they were old friends:

"Calm down. There's no need to shout. You see we were ordered to keep you here locked, but we ain't gonna kill you" - Shizuo stopped screaming, but just stayed silenced and glares daggers at the suspect man, with that reply the man stayed calm and continued his rambling, like that was just a normal situation -"Gotta hand it to you, I never saw a man that can witstand such a huge amount of sleeping drug"

"So that's what those brats sticked on me..." - Shizuo commented not very impressed.

"You beast..." - the man told himself and sweat dropped - " Well, It's about time to contact the client. Hey! Sasaki! Bring the phone!" - the man called for his subbordinate.

No response was heard. The man called again, but there was no response again. Getting worried he took out of his pocket a gun.

Suddenly a scream of pain was heard, that made the man shiver, Shizuo, on the other hand, remained calm.

"Boss, RUN!" - those were the last words of one of the thugs

The man started to panic and like any good thug, decided to use the hostage tecnic.

He pointed the gun at the blonde's head and shouted"Whoever you are, surrend! I'll blow his brains out"

A blonde woman with sharp eyes emerged throught the shadows. She had in her left hand a knocked out man and in the right a pipe, that she probably picked somewhere to use as a weapon.

"Put it down!" - the man screamed, scared.

"I do not understand. Do you want me to put down the pipe or the boy? Please let go of Shizuo-senpai." - the young girl said with a russian assent.

"Varona!" - Shizuo exclaimed, recognizing his kouhai.

"BOTH! Not a chance! I'll kill him if you don't surrend!" - the man replied terrefied.

"I can't let you do that. Shizuo-senpai his my prey." - Varona stated, assuming a fighting position.

The man snapped completly: "Fine! Go to hell!" - said pressing the trigger and shoting Shizuo.

Varona gave the man a kick throwing him to the floor and running, worried, to her senpai.

"Shizuo-senpai!"- she shouted.

Shizuo looked at Varona's face. He had a bullet stuck bettween his teeth. Varona was astonished, once again Shizuo had exceed her expectations. He certainly would be someone hard to bring down. And yet, even tho she thought of that, she wasn't sure if she realy wanted to kill him.

The russian assassin untied him and, for no certain reason she hugged him.

"Varona, are you alright?" - Shizuo asked while throwing the bullet away and hugging back.

She didn't say anything, she just signal him positively with her head.

He smiled kindly and not asking anything else, he just stated:

"Thank you, I own you one."

Varona didn't know why but she felt extremely happy. After that she helped Shizuo to get on his feet.

"We should go back" - she said a little reluctant for breaking the hug.

"Can we make one more stop, before that?" - the strongest man in Ikebukuro asked.

The russian gave the man a questioning look.

"There's a great restaurant around this zone...maybe we could go...and this way I could repay my debt to you." - he said, while blushing slightly and turning his face to the other side in abaressement.

"But..." - Varona tried to contradict him, but stopped in her tracks once she felt Shizuo's puppie eyes directed to her.

'What kind of secret tecnic is this. Some kind of mind control?' - she thought to herself.

For some anone reason, she just couldn't turn him down.

"Fine, I guess one more stop won't cause any disturbance" - she replied - "And maybe we can pass trought that cake shop of the other day to..."

Shizuo's eyes lighten up.

"Yeah, why not?" - the tall male replied, smilling and supporting himself of is kouhai, while thinking that for once we was glad to be cot in one of Izaya's schemes. Even tho, he knew he would regret of even even thinking that later.


So what you think? Hope you liked it😜

Feel free to request! I'd love to make one of your favourite pairings!

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2016 ⏰

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