Fairy Tail: Nalu (Natsu Dragneel X Lucy Heartfilia)

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Hey guys! Here comes my second otp, Nalu! Hope you guys enjoy!


Lucy wasn't sure how everything ended up that way, she was just in her way back home after an exausting day at the guild, but now somehow she was stuck in a realy awkward situation. Not that she wasn't use to be in those kind of situations, because for her those moments were starting to happen a whole lot often since she had met Natsu.

This time she was at the front door of her rented house and some asshole was trying to win her over with some of the most cheesy pick-up lines ever. Maybe if it was someone else she would have just ignore it and pretend it was just a joke. But, this time, that asshole was none other than Natsu.

" Hey! Are you a magician? Because when I look at you everyone else disapears!" - he said trying realy hard - " Your lips look lonely, would they like to meet my butt? Wait...that's not it..." - he declared with confusion.

" What's wrong with you, Natsu?!!!" - Lucy shouted in embaressement. She was brigth red and starting to get realy angry at the dragonslayer.

"C'mon, Lucy! Why don't you go out with me?" - he said with an innocent face.

"B-b-becaus---,WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO GO OUT WITH ME?!!!" - she shouted and this time almost everyone nearby was staring at the pair.

" Well..."- Natsu started to explain.


Natsu and Gray were arguing, like always:

" I'm way stronger than you, Gray!" - Natsu stated with confidence.

"Oh yeah? In your dreams, man. I could beat you any time at everything! I'm smarter, stronger and more mature!" - Gray replied also full of confidence

" Wanna bet?! And how come your mature? You're always walking around naked and scaring girls."- Natsu continued.

" Well, they say that a boy is considered a man when he picks is first girl up." - Mirajane said interrupting their discussion with a cheery smile.

"What?!" - they both asked.

" I know Gray is popular with at least Juvia, but I don't think Natsu has ever gone in something as a date" - Happy observed with a hint of dissapointement.

" That's not true! There's no way I'll loose to Gray! I'll show you all! I'll get a girlfriend in no time! I'm all fired up now!!" - he shouted and sprinted of the guild in Lucy's house direction.

End of Flashback-----------------------

"I can't believe you're humiliating yourself like this for some stupid competition! And besides that, what you said didn't explain one thing: why did you decided to hit on me?! I mean I know I'm beautifull and all...but Mira, Erza or Lisanna would have been fair game, right? And now that I think about it, any other random girl would have done it to! Why me?" - Lucy realised after Natsu's explanation.

Natsu blushed slightly and not making eye contact with the blonde he answered: "I guess so, but you're special! Your the girl I'm closest with in the guild and, besides, dating isn't all different from what we do usualy, right?"

The celestial wizard blushed at is response, but not losing track of the dillema at hand she continued:

" Do you even know what a date is?!" - she shouted.

" Of course I Do! I'm not that dumb! You hang out with someone special and be nice to them and do fun stuff with them, like hanging out in the park or eat somewhere."- he responded in the simplest way.

" You dope, you are forgetting the most important part! You have to love that someone and want to protect them with all your heart!" - Lucy refuted with an even bigger blush on her face now.

"Then it's fine, right? I feel that way, so there's no problem. " - he replied without any doubt in his mind, failing to see the problem.

" Y-Yo-YOU DO?!!!" - Lucy screamed making all the pidgeons near by fly away in fear.

"So, do you wanna go now?"- Natsu asked still with a poker face.

"F-Fine, we can just pretend I guess...This way you win your stupid contest and I don't have to take care of you anymore" - the girl replied not believing what she had just said.

"THEN LET'S GO!" - Natsu said extremely happy, making one big bright smile towards Lucy and grabbing her hand while running to some inimaginable place.

Meanwhile, behind some trash cans there was a little blue cat with wings, hiding.

"They like each other!" - Happy said in a provoking tone, he was going to annoy the two wizards so much with this, after their "date".


Hope it was good.

 Feel free to comment/make suggestions/requests! ☺️😃

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