The Sleep Over at Ivan's 5

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"Hey, Paulie." Ivan called me when i walked into the classroom.

"Yes, Ivan?" I sat down next to him.

"Can you sleep over? Me mum said that it would be okay, besides your eating dinner with us!" He smiled.

"I, huh, i dont know." I said rubbing my books.

"Please?" He pleaded. "We can do all kinds of stuff! Me parents will let us sleep outside, but i know you don't want to do that. We can also secretly stay up late!" 

I looked at him. "I guess, okay!" I smiled.

"Good, when we get to my place we can call your parents, and ask."

"Okay, but, ivan, wouldn't i need clothes?"

"No, you can borrow some of mine."

"But, i"

"Paul. Its fine, my mum wont care! Be sides we're the same size."

"I know its just..."

"Just what?" He looked at me, his face had 'please say you will' all over it.

I sighed and told him fine. He smiled and sat back down.


"What do you have for lunch?" Ivan asked.

"I, huh have, mm," I searched through my brown sac. "an apple and sandwich, and milk."

"Oh, is it sliced?"

"Which? the milk, apple, or sandwich?" I joked

He laughed. "The apple silly."

"Yeah." I grinned and took one from the bag then placed it between me and Ivan.

"Thanks." He said and gave me some of his chips his mum made.

"Your mum is a good cook." I complemented

"Thats the only thing of her's you had!"

"I know."

He laughed. "She makes good fish n' chips! We had it last night."

"Oh thats good. Ive had ones from the store."

"I love home made better."

"Me too." I stuck a chip in my mouth.

"Have you met anyone?"

"Yeah, but i don't know them as well as you. Theres one boy." He said nodding over to a table.

"Oh, nice. Was there some one missing today?" I asked.

"I don't think so, oh two people. But i don't know who they are."

I nodded. A girl that sat next to me came over.

"Hi my name is Melody." She smiled.

 Ivan was the first one to speak. "Hi! Im ivan!" 

"And who are you?" She asked.

I hesitated and looked at Ivan, he just nodded at me. " Paul." I mumbled.

"Nice to meet you." She smiled.

"Have you gone here long?" Ivan asked her.

"All my life, or school life." She giggled.

Ivan giggled. "Do you like it?"

"Yeah, its nice when you've had friends. What about you Paul?" she turned to me.

I quickly looked up from my paper. "I..huh..what?"

"Do you like it?"

"huh, yeah." I shrugged then turned back to my paper.

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