Ivan! 4

348 7 4

Christmas Day, 1947


It was December, which meant Christmas break, for school kids! Our house was crowded on Christmas day, we had a little house so it seemed. I was busy with helping mummy set up, and watching Mike. Bett's family came over to help a bit. She watched Mike so i was stuck helping mum or dad. 

At 7pm everyone began to arrive. Both my parent's mum and dads came, and siblings. i loved family gatherings, because Auntie Jin would always make a great desert, it was her own make, she says, so she hasn't thought of a name. She told me and my cousins if we think of one to tell her. I still haven't given it a thought though. We opened gifts at 8. I opened my 8, i had 1 other from this morning from my mum and dad. Me and Mike get to open one of our's in the morning. 

We ate desert afterwards and then my and one of my cousins, close to my age, came up stairs to my room, the girls all went to put Mike and the other baby down. Then came in with us and we played games. It snowed earlier today, so we went out to play. At 9 everyone began to leave, mum said i had to go to bed. I said good night to everyone and went to bed. 

"Paul, your not going to that school anymore." mum said after she pulled the covers snuggly on me.

"Im not?" I grinned. "Oh thank you!" i jumped up and hugged her.

"We're just switching schools."

I sat down and frowned. "But why?"

"Because of expenses." She said.

"Are we poor mummy?"

"You could say that, compared with some others, but not to poor. We can afford school for you and Mike."

"A boy i met said his parents probably weren't going to be able to send him to that school next year, when he was old enough."

"No? Liverpool is not a wealthy part of the country Paul, you have to understand that."

"I know, but im glad im in your family." I smiled.

She smiled and chuckled a little. Then bent down and kissed me then walked out. I fell asleep.


First Day at New School: Stockton Wood Primary School(his official school.)

January 1948


This one was a bit different, i liked the different teachers, but two were not my favourite here. My first day wasn't bad, kids watched me as i walked to class, sadly i wasn't ever going to see that boy again. I discovered today to that that same kid that introduced himself and sat next to me a while back was at this school.

At lunch he came and sat next to me. Looked around and unpacked his lunch, i slowly looked into mine and pulled it out.

"What do you have?" He asked.

"I...uh, you wouldn't take it, would you?" i asked, protecting my lunch incase.

"No, just wondering, what your mummy packs."

"Oh, um a peanut butter sandwich and milk." I opened my milk container.

"Same here, do you want some apple?" He asked.

I looked at him and hesitated. "I..uh..."

"You can have one its okay." He said and put the bag out.

"Okay, thank you." i took a slice out of the bag.

"Whats your name again?" He asked,

"Paul." i said after i had swallowed.

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