Chapter 6

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I claim no ownership over the song Rocket Man featured in this chapter. Rocket Man was written by Elton John and Bernie Taupin.

Disclaimer: I do not Own Yu-Gi-Oh or any characters created by Kazuki Takahashi. I only own my OCs, this fic is purely for entertainment.

Chapter 6

In retrospect, I probably shouldn't have tried to take on three men twice my size. I have no defensive training, no fighting ability to speak of, and didn't have any weapons on me when I blindly charged after them. But seeing a friend slung over someone's shoulder like a sack of potatoes tends to make one overreact. There are many rules that I live by, and a big one is that you should act instead of react; by this it's meant that you should act logically to a situation, not fly off the handle without thinking it through and inadvertently make the situation worse.

Well, I made it worse for myself and who knows how much worse I've made it on Mokuba.

Three days ago to find myself in a stone room, high up in a tower and violently ill; the poor maids had to be called in six times before my stomach had finally settled. It took me the better part of a day to get over the side effects of being knocked out with chloroform, and throughout the first night had been running a pretty high fever. I vaguely remembered a maid being called in to watch over me that first night I was here, and she had done what any normal, non-medical person would do with someone running a fever – that is to say, she kept a cool rag on my head, coaxed me into drinking fluids, and checked my fever regularly. I recall that at one point she had been alarmed that my fever was so high and not going down quickly enough. I remember in my chemistry lesson my tutor saying that about 10% of the population was allergic to chloroform, and the most common symptom was a high level fever; which poses a rather dangerous threat, for if a fever runs too high for too long it can cause serious damage. Thankfully, the fever burned out sometime in the night, but this meant the girl hadn't been able to come back to my room since then. The only person I had seen during my captivity so far was Croquet, Pegasus's right hand man, and then it was just to bring me food and pick up the empty plates.

From what I could see out of the window I gathered that I'd been brought to the island where Duelist Kingdom was to be held, and completely at the mercy of one Maximillian Pegasus. As if that wasn't enough to irk me, all my planning and scheming had been for naught. Pegasus was too clever to allow Mokuba and I to be near each other or have any communication, so I wasn't even sure what was happening or what had already happened. I had no way of judging whether Mokuba was safe, had already escaped in his attempt to confront Yugi... No information whatsoever. I knew better than to try and get Croquet to talk, the man was steadfastly loyal to Pegasus to an almost sickening level. Although I had the loyalty of my staff, if I did something as questionable as kidnapping, those who worked for me would never stand idly by. It made me wonder if Pegasus had some dirt on his right hand man, or if Croquet held some sort of infatuation with the CEO of Industrial Illusions.

That was a sickening thought.

Sighing I stood and paced, doing my best to ignore my current state and predicament. I was still in the clothes that I'd been taken in, and between the sweat from the fever, my being so ill, and the lack of a shower I felt and looked like a grimy mess. Croquet had seemed to have a rather smug look on his face when he had been here this morning to give me my morning meal, and I would bet money that he was laughing at a powerful debutante being reduced to my current state.


I tried not to dwell on it and instead tried to devise a plan to escape, warn Seto to stay away and use other means to get Mokuba free. Now that I was in the thick of the story line, it was as if my memories were becoming clearer and I remembered that Pegasus planned to take over Kaiba Corp. in some attempt to resurrect his deceased wife; again, in my opinion this proves that there is an inherit danger to loving someone too much. Because Kaiba Corp. could only be controlled by family, the plan was to off Seto and use Mokuba's name to control Kaiba Corp., something that would be made easier with Pegasus in possession of the Millennium Eye. With it, he could easily banish Mokuba's soul and use his body as a marionette, doing whatever he wished. I vaguely recalled the attempt on Seto's life wouldn't work, and instead Seto would overcome and make his way here to free Mokuba and protect his company. But when he went to face Pegasus in a duel, Pegasus would use his Millennium Item and read Seto's mind, seeing through his strategy and taking possession of his soul after Seto's defeat.

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