Chapter 3

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A/N: I do not Own Yu-Gi-Oh or any characters created by Kazuki Takahashi. I only own my OCs, this fic is purely for entertainment.

Chapter 3

Eight years. Eight years had passed since I had last set foot in Japan, and now here I was, back in the Sarota Estate, overseeing the unpacking of our furniture and the finishing touches on the remodeling of the mansion.

Oh, I'm getting ahead of myself aren't I? Let me back up a little then.

Barely four months after I'd been officially adopted into the Sarota family, Uncle Sota had announced that Sarota Entertainment was going global and opening a branch in America. As the CEO, he wanted to be there to ensure that our foothold in the American music industry was secure. So we'd all packed up and moved to Los Angeles, California. Given that America had been my native country in my previous life, it had been good to be back to visit; however, I'd missed Japan. Once you immerse yourself and really live in another culture, it's hard to go back to what you once knew as familiar. I was able to view America through a foreigner's eyes, really see and understand the differences between the cultures. It had been interesting and a little eye opening to say the least.

Plus it gave me a chance to revisit my love for burritos and tacos. But aside from that, there wasn't much to be said about being back in America. I did very little aside from studying and learning how the music industry works from my uncle.

Hojo and I continued our studies with private tutors, and I graduated with a 4.0 GPA at sixteen. After that I immersed myself into the company, helping my uncle with anything that he asked and making a name of sorts for myself. Granted most of my "fame" comes from my last name, but I am a public figure and have been made a role model for others. I maintain a good public image for our company's sake, being called the "Princess of Sarota" by the press, and help build relationships with other companies and our artists. Lately I've also branched out, appearing in some music videos and writing songs of my own, but that's about all I'm willing to do at this point. I still dislike being placed on center stage. I do enjoy producing and helping other artists reach their full potential however. My knowledge of what the popular music styles would be in the future from my previous life helped immensely in this respect, but I do try to let artists and trends develop on their own as naturally as I can. But sometimes someone requires a gentle nudge in the right direction, which I'm happy to provide.

I also do the "cleanup" work for the company, including information gathering on our competitors and weeding out rats in our ranks. The music industry is surprisingly dirty, with rival companies always trying to steal high ranking musicians and producers, corporate sabotage, stealing of music and lyrics... The list goes on and on. My uncle has made it my unofficial job to ensure that Sarota stays at the top of the music industry by not allowing these things to happen to us, and given my protective nature I am perfect for the job. This also ensures him of my loyalty to our company and that I'll do whatever it takes to protect it.

After all, the family is the company and the company is family.

That being said, I know that I'll never inherit the company, and I have no intention of ever inheriting. I have my sights set on becoming the head of the A&R Department, where my influence can be used more effectively to further our interests and not be held back by the restrictions of being the CEO. Let Hojo take that role, whenever he decides to finish growing up.

Please don't be mistaken, I adore my cousin. Hojo and I have only grown closer since our initial introduction, and I can safely say that he is my best friend. Even when I want to strangle him, I still love him unconditionally. My uncle and I have grown rather close as well, and although he can never take the place of my parents he has my love and my loyalty. He understands that my ambition goes to helping the company, not in taking over and he rewards my loyalty with his affection. It's a good trade off, all in all so I have nothing to complain about as far as my relationship with my family goes.

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