Chapter 5

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Disclaimer: I do not Own Yu-Gi-Oh or any characters created by Kazuki Takahashi. I only own my OCs, this fic is purely for entertainment.

Chapter 5

Two weeks later I was still on a high from the success of the party. The performance that had been taped was still referenced to and clips were still shown on various media sources, and there had been a surprising number of people who were rallying and petitioning for both Hojo and I to release albums. Although in interviews I had made it clear that this was not something that would happen, there were still those who hoped for it. Royalty hadn't answered our call, but then again I hadn't expected them to. Their slander campaign was dead in the water, and all they could do now was sit like fish in a barrel while I finalized my plans to take them out. Phases One and Two had already been put into effect, and I'd gotten help from a trusted computer expert to track and monitor the necessary files on our company's computer network. All I needed was for the mole to find them, give them to one of the Watanabe brothers and then I could move onto the final phase. Things were going well, and I was feeling on top of the world as I sat on a lounge chair in the garden, basking in the late autumn warmth. Uncle Sota and Hojo had gone on a quick trip to go over some figures with the American branch, and with Yumi's video being released tomorrow there was little for me to do. I had every intention of relaxing and taking a breather until the next big project.

That is, until my phone rang. The minute I heard it chime I had a sickening sense of dread, but I picked it up and saw Mokuba's picture flashing on the screen and smiled. Maybe it was just my imagination getting the best of me, and I shook off my negative feelings before I accepted the call. "Hey Mokuba, what's up?" I asked casually, leaning back in the chair again.

"Reila, you should come over to Kaiba Corp. right away if you're not busy. Seto is dueling in his new custom built arena and I think he'd really like it if you came to see. Seto went all out in designing it, and the virtual projections it makes are amazing!" I froze for a moment, completely dumbfounded. I mean I knew that the plot was coming, but if this was the duel I was thinking it was, then that means we'd run headfirst into the plot line and the true story had begun.

We'd passed the point of no return.

Collecting my thoughts I smiled before I spoke, so that my voice wasn't so grave. "I'd love to see your brother dueling Mokuba; I'll head over right away." Hanging up the phone I made my way quickly to the front door, paging Shuichi as I went. Glancing down at my clothes I debated for two seconds about changing into something a little more professional but decided against it. Since I'd been home I'd been wearing jeans and a large cream sweater, but a few tugs and tucks made it look like it was dressier than it really was. Sliding on a pair of shoes and grabbing my purse I stepped outside, Shuichi already there to take me to Kaiba Corp.

On the way I did my best to remain calm; but if this was the duel with Solomon Moto and Yugi, then today was a bad day for the Kaiba brothers. Although Seto hadn't been unnecessarily harsh with me, I'd seen the darkness that hardened him and hid the boy that I'd once known. And in the past two weeks it had only grown worse as the five remaining executives from Gozaburo's regime made it clear they were unhappy with their situations, so much so that Seto suspected them of plotting against him. Although he'd never said anything to me about it, Mokuba had voiced his fears to me and I'm perceptive enough to pick up on the subtle notes of tension that Seto carries. Part of his behavior could be explained away as residual effects from the psychological abuse Gozaburo Kaiba had inflicted on him yes, but it was ultimately Seto himself who had allowed the darkness to settle and fester. But really, could anyone blame him? Seto had been through hell with that man as his step-father and had only his little brother to help him. Some people wouldn't understand his not relying more on Mokuba, but I think I do; when you're the elder sibling you're held to a higher standard and socially it's unacceptable for an older sibling to place such a heavy burden on their younger sibling. The older one is supposed to be the rock, the guiding light, the one with all the answers; this was especially true for Seto, since their parents had passed on. He was truly the head of the family and expected to be strong enough to take whatever the world threw at him. With no one to turn to, no one to help and guide him he had done what he thought was right, and Gozaburo's teachings had skewed his perception of right and wrong.

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