Caged In

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Tony glared hotly at the smirking god who stood before him, outside the bars. 

"What the hell is your deal?!" He crossed his arms over his chest, covering the reactor. His chocolate brown eyes burned into Loki's emerald green, a scowl on his handsome face. The god merely smiled wider and strode away, into the bedroom Tony could see from his cage. A freaking cage, he thought to himself. He turned around slowly, eyes taking in his surroundings for something he could use to escape. A small bed, a walled bathroom complete with a door, and that was it. Tony glowered at the floor, chewing on his bottom lip.

"Sonofabitch." The trickster knew well he couldn't leave anything the mortal could use, and he hadn't. Loki appeared from the other end of the room suddenly, startling the genius. 

"What the fuck do you want?" Tony growled, and Loki sits on the floor easily.

"Company." There's something in Loki's eyes that puts Tony on edge, but he hides the unease.

"Bullshit. You don't take prisoners. Why me?"

"I have already told you, Stark. I wish for company... And your intellect is of a level with mine. Is that not reason enough?" Loki murmured, eyes never leaving Tony's face, which frightened the genius a little. It was seriously creepy to have the god who hated him staring at him like that.

“Not really. You could have asked first, at least.” Tony snapped, rolling his eyes. Loki’s answering smirk had a darker edge, lips curling dangerously.

“Why ask? You’d only say no. I’m no fool, Stark.” Loki hissed, spinning around and striding away.

“Really? Because kidnapping me seems to be adverse to that statement.” Tony raised a brow, noting the hint of blood beneath the fabric of Loki’s right shoulder.

“I left no evidence. Trust me; I’m very good at thievery.” Loki muttered, tugging at the strips of armor covering his lithe form, dropping the heavy weight onto the counter with a thud. The source of the blood was revealed, a lengthy gash spreading from the top of his shoulder to just below his ribs. Tony sucked in a sharp breath, noticing how deep it was.
“What in the hell did that? It looks like a damn axe tried to slice your arm off.” The genius winced in sympathy.

“You’re not wrong. You’ve yet to meet my apprentice and her delightful servant, Amora and Skurge.” The god sighed, pressing a long fingered hand against his shoulder and hissing as magic surged from his fingertips and burst over the bleeding wound, sealing the skin. He sighed in relief, shaking his dark hair back out of his face. It’s shorter, Tony noted. Just below his ears now. The trickster turned towards the genius, eyes glittering in the flash of sun.

“You’ve got an apprentice? Should I be worried?” Tony asked, hiding the lurch in his stomach at the sight of bruises decorating that pale expanse of skin.

“Most likely. Amora has a fascination with Thor. She believes it is love, though it is no more than mere infatuation and obsession. She’s focused on me for the moment, so I doubt your team will have much to worry about in the near future.” Loki sighed, settling into a chair near Tony’s cage. He seemed exhausted to Tony’s eyes, lines of fatigue amidst those gorgeous features, a definite slump to lean shoulders. Whatever battle he’d fought with Amora had left Loki drained.

“Creepy. What’s she look like? You should warn them she’s here, since I doubt you’ll let me do it.” Tony said softly, sitting on the small bed the trickster had provided.

“Beautiful. Blonde, brilliant green eyes, as curvaceous as any Greek myth of perfect seduction, is Amora. Her very name means a love, though she is far more ruthless than I.” The prince smiled, a vague sense of sadness clinging to the words.

“I’m afraid I taught her the arts of war and magic far too well.” Tony’s eyes widened, blinking in surprise.

“You love her, don’t you?”
“Once. It has been a long time since the Enchantress has held any of my affection.” A flicker of some emotion passed through emerald eyes, Tony noticed immediately but couldn’t quite identify.

“She’s your Pepper, then.” The mortal sighed, sprawling back onto the bed with his feet propped up on the pillows. Loki’s eyes followed his every movement, possessive glint shining clearly.

“I’m afraid I don’t understand, Stark.”

“Just Tony. I hate being called Stark. Or Man of Iron, as your brother is wont to call me. And Amora is your Pepper. Pepper was my personal assistant, a genius in her own way, and I loved her. We dated… And then I didn’t love her anymore. Not the way I should have.” Tony sighed this time, shrugging.

“Ah. You feel it was your fault.”

“Yeah. She’s better than me, anyway.” Tony smiled, his eyes meeting Loki’s.

“I doubt that.” Loki smiled back before standing and leaving the room, the door to his bedroom clicking quietly shut behind him, leaving Tony to his thoughts.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2013 ⏰

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