Out for a while

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3rd P.O.V
Karkat walked outside to his car when he got a text from his close friend gamzee, that he needed him. Usually he would be 'happy' to help but then he gave him a adress to a old factory. Karkat drove for a while until he found the old factory. He grabbed his hand gun (that he keeps in his glove box) out. He cautiously got out of his car and made his way to the old factory. When he got close enough he heard yelling and screaming. "WHERE THE FUCK IS MY MONEY! I TOLD YOU IF YOU DIDNT HAVE I WOULD KILL YOU AND NOW IT LOOKS LIKE ITS COME TO THAT!" karkat got scared. Really scared. He knew the shit gamzee got into was bad but he didnt think it was that bad. Right then he heard gun shots, and they sounded like they were getting louder. Karkat backed up and started making his way back to his car. But then he saw gamzee run out like a zebra running from a lion. He was the one who started the gun shots. "Gamzee! Holy shit what have you gotten into!" "No time to explain we need to get away from these motherfuckers." Then gamzee grabbed karkats arm but it was to late. One of the men shot karkat right in the shoulder. "SHIT!" karkat yelled while falling down. Right after he fell down he passed out and gamzee picked him up and ran to karkats car. He started shooting while running to the car and got one of the six men. He quickly put karkat in the back seat and closed the door. He saw his brother kurloz pull in and god was he thankful for that. Kurloz got out of the car and the shooting stopped. He was so thankful for his brother because his brother practily owed all the things having to do with drugs and black market stuff. He looked at his men then at gamzee and shook his head in disappointment. He then shot all 5 men without missing and walked over to gamzee. Kurloz could not talk because he was mute so he sighned to his brother -are you ok?- "yes, i am but karkat got shot by one of those motherfuckers." :o(
-ok i will take him to the hospital while you clean this up- "ok."

---time skip---
At the hospital

Kurloz brought him in and they immediately took him to the emergency room. "Thank god you brought him now. If it was any later then he would have died." the docter said. Kurloz decided to tell kankri about this after all it was his brother.

Hey guys im so happy i finally finished this chapter and have about 100 views on this story. Thank y'all so much i hope you enjoyed this chaper and will enjoy the next.

Cronkri HumanstuckDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora