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A/N: So close to the end... This is a good chapter. A happy one.

I have nothing more of consequence to say.


My legs swing back and forth as I sit on the edge of the table that sits in the center of my white walled prison. It's been my home for the past few months, but that would end today. If Sarah actually shows up, I will at last be free.

Wandering over the room, my eyes pick out the individual pieces of life I'd be leaving. The small cot in the corner is mussed from my restless night's sleep. Bored, I push the metal chair I spend a good portion of the day sitting in back and forth. Staring up at the ceiling, a soft breath escapes me in the form of an impatient sigh.

The soft click of the door opening brings my head around. A soft exchange of voices is followed by Sarah walking into the room. Behind her, someone closes the door, sealing us in together.

"Yo Sarah." My typical greeting feels like it's inadequate considering the circumstances. As nervous energy gathers in my veins, I tap my fingers against the table top in a sharp staccato rhythm.

Sarah tucks a lock of her short brown hair behind her ear and says, "Hey." Glancing at my fingers she frowns and chides me. "Don't act so nervous."

"I'm not nervous." I protest but still my fingers anyway. "So," I start uncertainly, "Do you have the-" My question becomes redundant as she pulls out her phone.

"I've been thinking about this." She says as she walks towards me and takes a seat in the only other chair in the room. Twisting my head around to look at her, I watch her as she continues, "I've decided the best way to go about this is for you to knock me out before you leave."

Shocked at the cool way she mentions me purposely harming her, I don't say anything for a second, then, "Are you insane?"

Giving me a wane smile Sarah replies, "Probably, but this makes the most sense. Do you have enough electric power to knock me out?"

"Yeah but-"

"Good." She nods as she pulls her phone out of her pocket. "That should be the most painless way of doing it."

"Why exactly am I knocking you out?" I ask as I slide off the table and take a seat in my chair.

With a small sigh Sarah explains, "If it looks like you escaped using force, the people here are less likely to suspect me of foul play." Her reasons make perfect sense which annoys me. Shooting me a true grin Sarah asks, "Are you ready?"

An unexpected lump builds in my throat. "Yeah." I cough before asking, "Do you really think EJ will be happy to see me?"

Gently nodding Sarah replies, "I'm certain. You two definitely had something real. You just need to give him a chance and you'll have that relationship again."

This hope I've been feeling ever since yesterday swells again. "I hope you're right. I've really missed him."

"I know you have. You've been talking talking my ear off for months now." Tapping and swiping her finger across the screen of her phone, Sarah asks, "Will getting electrocuted hurt much?"

Cringing I admit, "It's definitely gonna sting."

She shrugs. "I guess there's nothing I can do about that." Sliding her phone across the table at me she nods. "Well, I guess this is goodbye Ben. I wish you the best of luck."

As I feel myself being drawn to the phone I give a cocked grin and say, "Thanks Sarah, you're pretty awesome for a rapist."

Giving an exaggerated groan she complains, "That joke again?"

"Yup." With one last grin I draw the electric current running through me into a concentrated point until they coalesce in my palm. "You ready?"

"As ready as I'll ever be." As Sarah closes her eyes I hesitate for a second before reaching my hand out. The bolt of electricity hits her chest and actually pushes the chair back an inch or two. Praying that I hadn't overdone it I touch the screen of the phone.

"Bye Sarah, thanks for everything." I pull myself into the phone and I'm gone.

A/N: Beautiful.

Sorry about the long update pause... I completely forgot that you people didn't have the whole story. I feel like a terrible person. As a result, the last two chapters, at once, you're welcome.

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