Missing Mask

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A/N: Hey guys. I just want to say that my friend is doing a lot better and I am too! As an avid CreepyPasta fan himself, he has given me some much needed advice on this actually.

So at this point I feel that it is safe to say, enjoy.

Yo Sarah!

If you're here it must be a bad day!

You know, that was rude. I'll make sure it's less obvious next time.

Okay, I'm done. I don't like talking to anyone here but you. Everyone else is mean but you seem pretty cool.

Not that I want to be friends or anything, I'm just making a statement of fact.

You know, I've been thinking about life here and I've come to realize that it's not all that bad. I mean, it could be better but it's not so bad for a prison. Look how much room I have!

How am I feeling? Well, I'm not feeling quite as bad as last time but not great either.

There is one thing that would make me feel better...

Would you be able to get my hat back? They've probably stopped examining it and I miss it.

Thanks! I knew you were cool.

And then you go and ruin it by mentioning EJ! I suppose I should expect nothing less of a rapist.

It's not hurting my mental state by not talking about it! I don't have anything to say that you actually want to hear. You'll just listen till the timer buzzes and you can leave.

Stop lying! You don't care!

And it still hurts.

Before we started dating? I don't know... I don't really want to feel depressed again. Besides, once I escape I want to have already gotten over EJ. I know he'll have gotten over me.

Well, maybe just one story wouldn't hurt...

I would have to place the time I realized just how much I cared about him a couple weeks after the sandwich. Oh yeah, it was terrible by the way. I'm pretty sure he put hummus and jelly on it along with salami and Swiss. I ate it anyway though.

My crush on him had only been getting worse over this time but I continued to convince myself that it was impossible.

That is until EJ lost his mask...

"Where is it!" The shout causes my feet to become entangled with each other and fell me. As my face hits the floor I hear another yell of frustration. "It was right here!"

I knew who it was at once. EJ.

Cradling my pounding skull I get to my feet and walk towards EJ's door still seeing stars. Cautiously I knock on his door.

It's flung open by an absolutely furious maskless EJ. "What do you wa- Oh, hey Ben."

I grin past the pain in my head. He always knows if it's me. "Hey EJ, can you keep your fussing down a bit. You scared me so much I fell over."

EJ runs his fingers though his hair and sighs. "Sorry Ben, are you okay?" His anger has completely dissipated. In its place is worry.

I look up at the much taller man and nod. "Yeah, I'll live. Not so sure about those brain cells though." I give a small laugh then ask, "So, what did you lose?"

Blinded Fate (A EJ x Ben fic)Where stories live. Discover now