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A/N: Have you ever stared long and hard at a chapter you just wrote and wondered: What the fuck was I thinking?

Well, I do. Kind of a lot actually. I had one of those moments while rereading my last chapter. It was a weird chapter...

Anyways, enjoy!

Hey Sarah!

I have finally discovered why they send you in only once a week!

When you show up I feel really happy and that lasts for about six days so when my next therapy appointment rolls around, I've already used up all the happiness from my last one.

I'm very proud of myself for figuring it out.

A reward? But I don't need a-


Thank you thank you thank you!

You are amazing Sarah. I'm really glad that I have you as a therapist and not someone else.

How've I been?

I've been missing EJ a lot recently. I can't seem to get my mind off of him.

I would like to tell you a story!

When we started dating... Well that is a very awkward story actually.

Mostly because I don't remember becoming EJ's boyfriend. I kind of just woke up one morning and boom I was dating EJ.

I'll start from where I remember...

I wake up to find myself entangled with EJ.

His arms are loosely curled around me and our legs are entwined. As I lay there, my head against his chest, listening to his heart beat, I wonder what had happened.

That probably should have worried me more than it did. As it is, I decide to enjoy these blissful moments of half sleep by curling into EJ's warm arms. A happy little sigh escapes my lips.

In response to my consciousness, EJ tightens his embrace slightly without awakening.

During those moments I try to remember the events of last night. With a sudden rush of horror I check to make sure nothing hurts. When I find everything as it should be I force myself to be calm. If anything had happened I'm sure I would have remembered.

My peace is broken by the door creaking open. I struggle to sit up but EJ refuses to let me go. Even in sleep he's stronger than I am.

"Ben, why is EJ hugging you like an oversized teddy bear?" Sally's petrified whimper comes from the open door.

I cringe. "The thing is Sal, I don't actually remember."

She stands there a second longer, terror clear on her face, before she shrieks and flees the room.

The noise awakens EJ at last. As he sits up and stretches, the blankets fall away to reveal-

"EJ, why aren't you wearing a shirt?" I can't help but ask.

Not that I have anything against seeing Jack shirtless, in fact, I like it but at that exact moment I was busy wondering what had happened so...

Blinded Fate (A EJ x Ben fic)Where stories live. Discover now