Chapter Two- All the Gracefullness that is Logan... Not

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I finally decided to walk towards the school instead of sitting at the intersection pouting like a little kid. People were starting to trickle out to the parking lot. Practice must have just ended.

"Hey look! It's tiny!" One of the boys called out. I recognized him as the boy from my science class. The people around him stifled their laughter, and I had to stop myself from rolling my eyes. I was so insulted. I'm just going to go cry in a bathroom now.

Note my sarcasm.

I walked over to a bench to sit down, but could hear the boy taunting me behind me.

"How old are you anyway? Why don't you go back to the fifth grade where you belong!" I could feel my face heating up as I plopped down on a bench. This was ridiculous. Why did people take joy in trying to hurt others? I didn't reply, hut I did shoot him a glare. "Aw, look! She's mad! She looks like a weird little dog trying to look mad. And not one of the cute ones either." Most of the boys next to him snickered, but there were a few that looked unimpressed.

"Back off." I snapped, before leaning back against the bench.

"Oh, wow, she's a fiesty one isn't she. I'm so scared of her right now, I think I might faint. Catch me Logan." He put a hand on his forehead, as if faking distress, and fell back on to the boy next to him, who rolled his eyes. I ignored him again and pulled out my phone, deciding to ask my mom if she'd come pick me up again.

Hey mom, I couldn't find a ride so could you pretty please pick me up?

I got a reply almost immediately.

Sure, I'll be there in about ten minutes. Love you!

"Hey! Uber-nerd! Pay attention when I'm making fun of you!" My phone was ripped from my hands and boy waved his hand in front of my face.

"Give me back my phone." I snapped.

"Only if you say please." He grinned, and I rolled my eyes.

"Please." His grin widened.

"Now say, Parker is the most attractive man ever, and I want to make out with him so bad because he's just soooo kissable." He smirked.

I raised an eyebrow. Or tried to. I think I only managed to look like an idiot. "Are you flirting with me?" His jaw dropped open.

"Of course not! Why would you think that?" In his dumbfounded state, I managed to rip my phone out of his hands. I started to walk away, but he decided he wasn't done yet. "Hey! Tiny! Get back here you little bi-" I put my earbuds into my ears to tune him out, but didn't play any real music since I don't have any songs on my phone. But the concept worked, and he stopped talking, figuring I couldn't hear him.

My mom was starting to pull in as I walked away and I quickly jumped into the car. She looked at me with a puzzled expression on her face.

"Now why couldn't you have gotten a ride from those boys over there?" I banged my head on the dashboard in front of me and groaned.


The next couple weeks at school were pretty uneventful. Parker was still a jerk, hut everyone else basically ignored me. I still ate lunch in the science room, and I still had no friends. Of course, none of this came as a surprise to me.I had gone to this school for two weeks now.

I was sitting in scjence that morning when Mr.K announced we'd be doing a big project. This was the first one since I moved here, which meant he was picking the groups.

"Alright, first group! Parker, Andrea, Sadie, Mason, and Carly. Next group, Logan, James, Carter, Dilyn, and Dani. Third is-" I picked up my stuff and moved to the second table from the left, which was currently empty. Soon, a girl plopped down next to me, followed by another three people. One was a girl, and two were boys. Which I found confusing, since they had all sounded like guys' names.

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