Chapter Nineteen

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"I'm worried about Sinon."

As soon as those words were out of his mouth, I was climbing off the bed. Rikimaru protested, but moved to go with me, Katsu following right behind.

"No! Don't! Go home and I'll meet you there soon!" I told Rikimaru, turning to stop him from following me.


"I'm famished and tired." I lied, "I'll meet you at home, okay? I won't be long."

Rikimaru seemed hesitant to let me go, but he nodded.

I turned to face Katsu then, and smiled, before saying, "And you need to go to your girlfriend. She probably wouldn't like the fact you've been ignoring her for another girl, even if it is just me."

Katsu bit his lip, knowing I was right, but still unwilling to leave my side.


He nodded, his fists clenching. I turned back to Kirito and we both raced out of the room without another word. Our footsteps echoed throughout the halls, and I hoped the loud noise wouldn't disrupt anyone.

When we burst out of the hospital doors, it was dark out and a full moon was high in the sky. The night was a little chilly, but it felt refreshing after the hot air in GGO. In fact, everything felt refreshing after GGO.

We ran faster, adrenaline coursing through our bodies. After so long of feeling trapped, I almost cried from this sense of freedom.

Kirito raced ahead of me, and I had to focus to see his dark shape running ahead. I almost missed a turn a couple of times, because I couldn't see him well enough.

Finally after a couple more minutes, Kirito slowed, waiting for me to catch up.

"It is that building there!" He told me, pointing to a massive apartment building just up ahead.

I nodded to show him I understood.

"I'll go in immediately, and scare him. When he tries to escape, you'll be right there. Then while you show off, I'll help Sinon, okay?" I suggested.

He nodded, and motioned for me to hurry. I raced ahead and I could hear him a couple of yards behind me.

"What apartment?" I called over my shoulder.

"5a! On the third floor!"

As soon as I heard the response, I sped off. He was falling behind, but neither of us were too worried about it. I burst into the apartment building, and didn't bother waiting for the elevator; instead, I raced up the stairs, taking them two at a time.

"Apartment 5a..." I muttered to myself once I reached her floor. I paced down the hallway, looking for her door.

As it turned out, I didn't even need her room number, because I could hear angry voices and loud crashes coming from behind one of the doors. I made an assumption and kicked at the door until it crashed inward. Inside was dark enough that I couldn't see anything.

"Sinon!" I called as the noises fell silent.

A figure attempted to run past me, but Kirito appeared behind me and kicked him back in the room. I raced forward, feeling my way around in the dark.

"Sinon!" I called again, my eyes searching the darkness.


I followed the sound of her voice, and almost tripped over her body on the floor. I knelt down next to her and I could hear Kirito begin to fight the man somewhere in the room.

"Sinon." I said in what was hopefully a reassuring tone, as I grabbed her hand to hold in mine. "Are you hurt anywhere?"

She didn't answer me, instead asking, "Is Kirito here too?"

I rolled my eyes, but I didn't comment. I mean, I did kind of betray her.

"Yes, he's here." I told her, "He'll save you."

There was silence from her, before I heard a small, "Thank you."

I smiled, but didn't bother to say anything in response. I was soon frowning, however when I heard an unfamiliar voice start to shout.

"What the hell! Get off me! Bastard... It's all your fault! She's mine... She's mine! Damn it! Stay away from her!"

I stood up, fumbling around to find something to light up the room. Finally, my hand connected with curtains, and I whipped them open.

The light from the full moon flooded into the room. I turned around, just in time to see Sinon's attacker stab a syringe into Kirito's chest.


Without thinking, I picked up the stereo sitting on a table next to me, and hurried over, before smashing it into the attacker's head. He crumpled to the ground, and I knelt down next to Kirito as Sinon scrambled over.

The empty syringe rolled away on the ground, and as Kirito collapsed, I made sure to catch him. I cradled his head in my lap as he clenched his fists, sure he was going to die.


"He got me. It happened so fast. I didn't even see the needle..."

"I know! I'm gonna take a look, okay?" Sinon exclaimed.

She opened his jacket and we both froze when we saw a dark, wet spot on his shirt where the needle went in. I clenched my fists and started murmuring reassurances to him.

Sinon ripped up Kirito's shirt, but paused when we saw a weird attachment on his chest. As soon as I realized what it was, I started laughing.

It was one of the electrodes from the hospital. I had a couple of them on me, myself. It must have blocked the needle from going into his skin.

Sinon glared up at me. She didn't seem to like me laughing when Kirito was "dying."

"It's one of the electrodes from this heart monitors we were hooked up to!" I exclaimed, still giggling.

"Heart...monitor!?" Sinon exclaimed.

Kirito realized he wasn't going to die, and relaxed, letting out a little laugh of his own.

"You scared the hell out of me." I told him, my voice a whisper.

He patted my thigh as if to reassure me, before sitting upright. I pulled away and leaned against the wall as Kirito and Sinon whispered softly to each other.

My eyes fell on the guy on the floor, and I found my chest constricting again. I couldn't breath, and I looked away, shutting my eyes.

"He's not...dead, is he?" I asked, clenching my fists.

Sinon leaned over to press her fingers against the inside of his wrist.

"Nah, he's still got a pulse."

I breathed a sigh of relief, but memories of the last man I killed continued flashing in my mind. Suddenly, I felt like I couldn't stay in this place any longer.

I stood up, swaying, and said, "I need to go."


I paused at the sound of Sinon's voice, and half turned to look at her out of the corner of my eye.

"You're crazy, but thank you for coming over." She said.

I nodded and grabbed a hold of the handle, whipping the door open. I raced out, my breathing becoming heavier and faster.

I ran down the stairs, almost tripping over my own feet. I burst out of the building and just ran down the sidewalk.

In a way, I felt I had to face GGO again.

I was going back into the game.

Trio (A Sword Art Online Fanfic) ✔Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt