Chapter Nine

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I am so much better than these guys.

I gripped my scythe, glaring around at the group surrounding me. All three of them were all men, and they all seemed angry. The smirk on my face never faded and it seemed to irritate them.

The one on my left let out a yell, before lunging at me, his hand gun braced to shoot.

This seemed to set off the others, and all three of them were attacking me. I, somehow, managed to dodge all the bullets, and while they were reloading, I lunged forward and "killed" the closest one.

"You little bi--"

"It's not nice to call a lady names." I scolded, shooting him a grin.

"You're no lady." The guy's friend spat, "You're the devil in the flesh!"

I cackled, skipping forward to "kill" him. I turned to face the last guy, who was looking awfully pale. He glanced down at his friends' dead marks, glanced back up at me, and then turned to run.

I sighed, irritated. I grabbed the handgun out of its holster, and used one arm to hold it out in front of me. I took a couple seconds to aim, before pulling the trigger.

The man stumbled forward and fell, before shattering into brilliant shards, a marker popping up where he had landed.

I shoved the gun back into its holster. I turned, leaving to go find the other players, seeing as I only had a couple more left to take care of.

I came to a halt, however, when I saw the figure in the cloak a couple of feet away from me.

Death Gun.

Without hesitating, I folded my scythe into a gun, and shot a bullet at him. However, before he even came near him, he danced out of the way. The bullet exploded into a tree next to him, but he didn't flinch.

"Now, that's no way to treat your friends." He said, his tone patronizing.

"You are no friend."

"I'm hurt!"

I glared at him and tightened my grip on my gun. He took a step towards me, prompting me to shoot at him again. He somehow managed to dodge the bullet once more, and continued on his path towards me.

I am not sure how many times I pulled that trigger, but I never managed to hit him once.

He finally reached me, and yanked my gun out of my hand, tossing it away from us. I went for my handgun, but he grabbed my wrist, turning it until it was held against my back. He grabbed the gun out of the holster and also tossed it aside.

"Now that I have your attention, you need to listen up." He whispered into my ear, his chest against my back.

"Go to hell." I spat, struggling fruitlessly against his grip.

"I want you to join me."

I paused, shocked into silence.


"I want you to join me." He repeated, "Think about it. We could rule everything together! We could get rid of anything -- and anyone -- that gets in our way! We would be unstoppable!"

"You...want me to join you?"

He sighed, as if irritated, "Yes. I want you to join me."


"You are brilliant." He told me. "You're an excellent soldier, you can get people to trust you like it's nothing, you have so much power, and you don't even know it!"

"I'm not a soldier." I snarled, struggling again.

"No, but with a bit of personality restructuring, you can be!" He replied, "It would be wonderful!"

"You can't just remodel my personality!"

"Why? They did it to Rikimaru, didn't they?"

I gasped, my face paling. I clenched my fists, and, when he started chuckling, I knew he noticed.

"That's his name isn't it? Rikimaru?" He purred, leaning closer. "Your boyfriend, husband, lover."


"He means a lot to you, doesn't he?" He continued, ignoring me. "Of course he does. I mean look at all you've done for him! You've even risked your own life for his!"


Death Gun released me, shoving me forward into a tree. I grabbed it just before I fell to the floor, and I did my best to steady myself. I was panting hard, fear rising up in my throat. I turned to look at him through a curtain of my pink hair.

Death Gun pulled up his menu, pressing a button. The button pulled up a video screen, with live feed on it. He pointed the screen at me, and my fear tripled when I saw he footage.

It was Rikimaru. He was standing in the common room, watching the screens. He seemed on edge, waiting for any sight of me in the arena. As I watched, he tugged on his hair a bit, something he did when he was worried.

"It would be a shame if something were to happen to him, wouldn't it?"

I didn't take my eyes off of the footage.

"You can't do anything to him. You're bluffing." I said, sounding more confident than I felt.

"Do you really want to risk it?"

I finally glanced up at him, my eyes meeting his red ones. My hands started shaking and I clenched them tightly to keep him from noticing.

"Do you really want to put his life down on the line, because you think I'm bluffing?"

I didn't answer at first, and we stood there, watching each other silently.

"I'll kill you."

"Then he will die." Death Gun replied. It seemed as if he was grinning in victory underneath his mask.

"What do you want?" I whispered, looking away.

"Join me." He said, "Join me and betray them."

I didn't say anything, my stomach tying itself in knots. I felt like throwing up. I knew what he was asking. I knew what he wanted. He wanted me to choose.

Rikimaru or the safety of every other player.

For awhile the only sound you could hear was our breaths. Then he spoke again.

"You will comply to my wishes or he dies."

My breath caught in my throat.

"You will join my side, or your beloved Rikimaru will die."

Trio (A Sword Art Online Fanfic) ✔Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz