Poisonous Green Leafs

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Light foot steps could be heard approaching from behind as the sound seemed to magnify itself in her ears. Each step never ceased to skip in beat echoed throughout her mind. Each step heard signified he was  one step closer to her.

To them

"There is no use in hiding. I will find you one way or the other so come out now my dear Lillian"

His voice was as cool as ever. Not even the years seemed to have had an effect on it or on anything else for the matter. His face still seemed to have retained the same youthfulness from long ago. It was thoughts like these that made her rethink if her marriage vow would have been more appropriate if instead of "do you take this man to be your wedded husband" to have been changed to "do you take this statue to be your wedded husband." Sadly the Father didn't seem to think that appropriate at the time.

"Wife and son your demise is inevitable. With this in mind surrender now and I may consider a more lighter punishment."

Looking behind, Lilly saw the clear shadow of a man grow taller as it approached the corner. Her heart beat quickened as her breathing became even more shallow.

"You'll never find us daddy! Right Mommy?" the little boy in her arms said as he turned his small head to look at his beloved mother. In his ocean blue eyes, determination could be found as sparks of excitement flash through them. These eyes appeared almost to sparkle in the dim light.  The little one may have been a perfect replica of his father with is soft black hair and stricken blue eyes but unlike his father the little boy's personality reflected that of his mother. Her stubborn determination and unwavering will power were one of the things he inherit from the women who was holding him at her side.

Staring into those eyes once more a grin crawled onto Lilly's face as her own eyes started to reflect those of her son.

"Of course not Eugene your father is much too old to compete with us that's why he always has that bloody cane with him." she stated though she knew that cane served more than its appearance indicated. As she then took off onto the hallway, her son pointed out that they should turn to the right because going to the right is always the right way to go...well that was what Eugene thought at least.

"And wrinkle" her son, Eugene added though he didn't exactly know what being wrinkle meant though he has heard his aunts complaining of being wrinkle from being old.

At that moment a wave of pride hit her inside as she couldn't have asked for a better son. He was her little sidekick making sure to annoy Ambrose as much as possible and she was his partner in crime. And for that he couldn't have asked for a better mother.

Speaking of annoying, today's plans turned out to have had more successful results than most of their other past plans. The only tiny problem with it was for the small fact that today wasn't suppose to be a "Annoy Ambrose as much as possible day." Today was Friday, the day that they let him "rest" which included Ambrose being locked up from the outside world while he buried himself in his work. Lilly and Eugene would give their masterminds a break and just relax outside Mr. Ambrose's office.

Somehow around this time frame, Eugene accidentally spilling water on his mother while she read led to her "accidentally" doing the same to her son.

Both of them paused for a moment as they took this time to look at each other. Eugene looking at the now empty cup in his mother's hand as she did the same to the one in his hand. Brown eyes as well as blue eyes breaking away from each other to look at the other's hand before reconnecting as the same thought came to mind. Eyes narrowing down on one another as their signature grins broke out on their faces once more. Both of them sprinted to get more water not aware that a certain someone was being disturbed with all their laughter and running. When they finally got back with some water, seriousness took over their faces...well Lilly's face at least since Eugene, unlike his father, wasn't the best at hiding his emotions.

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