New Additions & Big Ideas

Start from the beginning

I turn to him. "Maybe you should see if a girl has a personality before trying to tap her." I snap, annoyed by the little routine. "Besides, don't you have a girlfriend?"

He stops mid sentence. "What's got you in a pissy mood?"

"I'm not in any kind of mood." I argue, slamming my locker shut. I hear something fall inside.

"I think whatever just broke in there begs to differ." He remarks, shutting his own door, but more gentle than I did.

I run a hand through my hair. "It's Grace. She's been ignoring me all week. Avoiding me too, but I don't know why." I lean against the set of lockers, discouraged.

He shrugs. "I don't know, girls are so hormonal."

"It's not like her. She was fine after we hung out on Saturday."

"Oh yeah," Luke snaps his fingers. "I saw your picture. You're so fucking cheesy, but it's okay because you guys aren't bad together."

I give him a side eye. "I'm still struggling to get her attention though. I try and be obvious, but it does no good!" I let out a deep sigh.

"Look, if you want to talk to her, I saw her going into the music room on my way back from practice." Luke says.

I nod my head. "Okay. I'll talk to you later."

"Bye," He says as I start to walk off. "Oh, and grow
some balls and ask her to the winter formal already!"

The winter formal.

Of course! How could I forget about that! It's only three weeks away, the night before we're let out for Christmas break.

I grin to myself, knowing it's the perfect opportunity. I think about all the possible ways I could ask her as I turn the corners of the hallways, making my way to the music room.

But all of my thought processes are cut short when I hear a soft voice singing a melody as I put my hand on the door handle.

I peek into the little glass window of the door, spotting the back of Grace's curls as she sits on one of the band chairs, strumming a guitar.

"Lately colors seem so bright, and the stars light up the night, my feet they feel so light, I'm ignoring all the signs-"

She sings these words so carelessly, so beautiful, and I can't help but try and find the hidden meaning behind them. Because Grace is the type of girl to sing something she can relate to.

"I crave us hugging. Yeah I stay stubborn. 'Cause I can't admit that you've got all the strings and know just how to tug them."

I feel lost listening to her, standing still, not wanting to interrupt her, and wanting to hear even more.

"I think I'm in love again, yeah you're in my head. I didn't think it could be true, then I knew that it would be you. I think I'm in love again."

I can't help a smile creep on my face. The lyrics, maybe they don't mean a thing. Maybe they mean nothing at all.

But something tells me they do. Just a bit.

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