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"Hi" she spoke in a shaky tone.

My throat is dry and the only thing I can bring myself to say is "you look great"

I frowned, the expression on her face matching mine. We stood there awkwardly just starring at one another.

"Aren't you gonna say anything else?"
She asked, after an eternity of silence.

I stood stuck on stupid. Not sure if those were the right words to say but it is the truth, she's practically glowing. Her blue eyes are shinning with bewilderment as she stood there nervously. Her sleek long black hair is pulled back into a neat pony tail and she has on a white button up tucked into a navy blue pencil skirt, with pretty blue heals to match.

I should be mad, I should be angry, I should feel something right? As strange as this may seem, I don't feel anything. Nothing at all.
"You're probably wondering why I'm here, right?"

I nodded encouraging her to continue.
"Well, I just thought that a lot of things need to be cleared up on my part and I was hoping that we could talk about it over lunch?"

"I can't do lunch"
"Oh okay, umm how about dinner?"
"I don't think that's a good idea"

She sighed seeming a little agitated, "okay, I'll give you my email and you can contact me if you're willing to talk. Do you have a pin and paper?"

"Here, just type it in my iPhone" I pulled out my phone handing it over toward her as she typed in her email.

"Okay, I guess I'll see you around" she handed me back my phone and walked away awkwardly.

I stood there still stuck on stupid. What is there to talk about? I almost feel like laughing. How did she find me? I began to feel scared. What if this is another scandal and Tasha is somewhere watching. I looked around feeling paranoid seeing Richie walking my way.

"Hey, was that Elena?" He asked


"Well, what did she say? What did she want?"

I frowned while walking back towards my office, "she wanted to have lunch. To 'clear up' some things"

"What things? she made everything  pretty clear that day? Do you think she has something to hold against you?"

"What else could she possibly want? She has everything, she took everything from me" I suddenly began to feel angry.

"Are you going to lunch with her?"

I shook my head, "no, I told her I couldn't. I'm having lunch with Rosy. She gave me her email, told me to let her know when I'm free"

"Are you gonna consider?"

I shrugged, "I don't know. Should I?"

"I would, aren't you the least bit curious?"

I shrugged, I think I'm more nervous than anything. Afraid that this is another scandal or she wants to blackmail me or something.
"I really have no idea Richie, I'm gonna talk to Rosie and see what she thinks"

"Are you sure that's a good idea?"

"Honestly, I'm not sure about anything anymore"

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