The highlight of that moment was when Kai tripped at the sound of us booing. The instructor scolded us and then we remained in the hall for the rest of the time.

"Wanna get some icy cream?" Mikki asked as she blew away some loose strands from her face. "Or food in general?"

"What about Kai?"

Her nose scrunched up and she pursed her lips. "That show off can get a ride home. Or wait... I'm bored.. And hungry," with that, her stomach rumbled.

"Me too," I rubbed my tummy, suddenly feeling starved. We were heading to the front door when we heard the doors to the studio open. We both glanced back and saw Kai talking to some of his members and we dashed out the door. We love him.. But we love food too.

I hopped into the front seat of Mikki's black and gold convertible, careful not to knock anything over. This was her "Batmobile", as she called it; it meant more to her than... Well.... All of her K-pop collectibles.

"So," Mikki said as she buckled her seat belt and checked her makeup in the visor mirror. "What do you wanna eat?" She asked, putting the car in drive.

I shrugged my shoulders, messing with the car radio. "Anything really."

She smirked as an idea formed in her devious little head. Her slender fingers wrapped themselves around the bars of the steering wheel, causing me to consciously grip tightly onto my safety belt. "Let's get everything!"


We pulled into an empty lot after we bought some McDonalds. When Mikki said everything, she literally almost meant it. She had four bags of food..

Just for her.

I rested my head against the window, staring up at the graying sky as I munched on my food. It was about to rain.

"Hey Mik, can I talk to you... About earlier?"

"Sure," She bit into her sandwich and wiped her mouth with a napkin. "Anything, go for it."

"About earlier... About Jaehyo..." I couldn't make out the words, as if everything I was about to say just vanished. She dropped her gaze and hesitantly placed her sandwich in her lap. "Go on."

"W-what if I end up liking him? What if we start dating and it doesn't work out and none of them will ever talk to me again, not even Kwonnie and and--" Mikki placed a finger over my lips.

"Mina. It'll be fine. You're overreacting," she said, chuckling.

"But what if-"

"Stop it!" She chucked a french fry straight at my face, "Stop thinking about 'ifs', arasso? Just go for it."

".... You'll let me go out with him?"

She took a long sip from her drink and shrugged. "You said that you'll never go for an idol, but really, its up to you. You shouldn't go back on your word, BUT if you really like him, then I'll think it over, because after what happened between you and Taemin, it," she pondered a bit for the right word. "It was too overwhelming. I can't handle that crying shit."

"But I didn't cry?"

"Exactly. Tae did.. and so did Kai for some weird reason. You're going to make Jaehyo cry too, I just know it.." I rolled my eyes. "And I have to lay down all the rules and regulations with that Casanova before any dating is permitted."

I took another bite so I wouldn't say anything I would regret.

"Oh! I heard Kwonnie put you in charge of music." I said smiling, changing the pressing subject.

Mikki nodded, pulling out a purple tinted CD case. "Yep, already picked it out," she handed me the case as she finished up the rest of her sandwich. "It has songs that I like to dance to, and Kai helped... So if any sexual songs show up, blame him. And then I added some songs that all three of us, me, you, and Min would sing together."

"Awesome, let's listen to it." I popped the CD into the player and let the car fill with the beats. As the songs played, my attention was half trained on the music and half trained on the pouring rain. The way the two played in sync, amazed me.

"Holy shit," Mikki exclaimed as she glanced at the clock on the dashboard. Her eyes met mine, full of fear. "We've been here for two hours."

She quickly checked her phone.

"28 missed calls." She muttered. "14 text messages... And 7 voicemails."

We exchanged worried expressions, but said nothing. We had forgotten something- no, someone- very important. Uh-oh.


Pulling into the empty SM parking lot, we caught our breath in our throats.

Kai was sitting on the steps, in the rain, completely alone, looking really pissed off. Mikki rolled down the window and chucked a fry in his direction, he, in return gave us a menacing glare.

"Why would you do that?!" I whispered through clenched teeth. I was scared. "He's angry."

She shrugged her shoulders. "I thought it would make him get in the car..."

Kai was still on the steps. Unmoving. Still glaring. "Where.. Have you been." He seethed. I instinctively flinched as I made my way to the back seat so Kai could have the front. Mikki chucked another fry at him as he trudged to the car. When he got in, he noticed the empty bags of McDonalds thrown in the back. His eyes darkened. He was soaked, pissed off, and scary as hell.

This was going to be a long drive home..


Mianhae. I'm sorry it took so long >_< School is hectic, plus this chapter is very.... Eh.... Well.... It's not my best. But I tried updating sooner so I'm sorry if its bad.

I also wanted to say thank you to you guys! :) this story has 80+ reads! :D !!!! That might not mean much to others, but it means a lot to me.

Stay tuned for future chapters! I'll try to update quicker and make the chapters more interesting :D It'll get better, hopefully :)

Don't Leave Me (Block B fanfic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя