Sparkly outfits

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Robyn's POV

"Hey Robyn I think we should get u a nu otfit. Urs loks to much like myne." Robin said when we went to the BatCave for training. "Ok fine" I sighed "we can do it when were don traning. "Ok" he said he got into a fighting pose "lets go" "I'm coming at you" I said but i was invisible so he was facing the wrong way then I punched him. "Ow" he said "r u ok did u get hurt" is gasped "no no I'm fine let's keep going " so then I turned visble so it would be fairer he came after me but I blocked his punch and he fell on his back so i jumped on him and kicked him. OMGs are you ok? I gasped and he said he was fine so it was ok. Them we made my nu costume and its pink and blue and gold and sprkly and so pretty and it turns invisible lik me and its fire resisnt lik me but it doet mattr cuz I am and my mask is pretty and swirly and then we fight again and I won them we went to bed so we could fight super villans agin tomorw. And I had a dat with Wally

A/N SORRY!!!!!!!!

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