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So, here's ur next lesson. So like, I've been super bizzy, and I cant update so like sry but i promis ill be back soon so lik sry again but I'll get back l8r. Byeeeeee

So, that's a way to annoy a fandom, have a good story (hahaha lol mine sucks) and then leave and don't tell why just an authors note. And the pic is just a Solangelo  *sqeal* pic I love cause Solangelo  is bæ  and my OTP.

Here are some more for you PJO fans and maybe some yj whatever I find on my camera roll...

So um, that failed, I can't load any pics. I'll try later when I have better wifi... Sorry DX

How To Annoy A Fandomजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें