Chapter 7: You Are Such A GangA$$

Start from the beginning

'You wouldn't dare' she provokingly wrote with the black marker and shoved it at him. Ray took that as a challenge and before she knew what was happening, he was racing out of his room and in mere seconds he was out of his house. Avery snapped out of it with a look of horror in her face as realisation hit her hard. The front door was locked so he couldn't get in, but... the backdoor was still unlocked. 

Cursing at her luck, she swiftly ran downstairs and just as she was about to push the backdoor closed, Ray entered and instead of the door, she pushed his hard chest and he fell on the floor, but not before he pulled her with him.

They both landed with a loud thud and if it hadn't been for the fluffy carpet that her mother had insisted on placing on the floor, then her back and head would have been smashed since he accidentally ended up on top of her.

Oh the joy... her inner voice snickered sarcastically.

"Ugh Ray don't you have anything better to do than to barge in my house? At freaking seven in the morning?"

"Nah, thought I'd pay a visit on my less favourite person in the whole universe" he exclaimed and smirked down at her. Avery felt the heat on her cheeks as he was too close for comfort.

"I'm flattered but get out, I have to get ready for school" Avery tried to get herself out of his grip but he was too strong, it felt like moving him would prove to be mission impossible.

Ray slowly got up and he pulled her on her feet as well. "Is that a way to treat a visitor?"

Avery fake slapped her hand on her forehead "you're right! bananas are over there" she said casually and then she pointed at a cupboard, "take as many as you want and leave" she added with a straight face.

"bananas?" his voice held nothing but disbelief and confusion. Deep in his mind, he knew that one day, she would be the reason why he would end up being sent at the mental hospital. She was already driving him crazy.

Avery turned around to face him and smiled innocently "yeah bananas, isn't that what monkeys like toi eat?" that was unexpected and once again he was speechless.

"Don't go all french on me, and I wouldn't mind being a monkey if it meant that I would be able to cling on you, all day" he took a step towards her "all night" another step forward and Avery was stuck between him and the counter "forever" and that's when she pushed him away and she let out a sigh of relief. He had a murderous look in his face but it was more playful than threatening. Either way she was safe if they had at least a one meter distance from each other. In that way, she wouldn't be on the verge of a heart attack.

"Just let me get ready for school" she whispered impatiently.

"Today it's the field trip, you are supposed to be preparing for that".

"Am I?" she asked confused.

"Aren't you?" he replied and she subconsciously added a 'duh' on his words. For the first time, he was right and apparently, she was wrong.

"What field trip?" a wondrous look was on her face as she searched for the answer in his eyes.

"You know, the one our biologist teacher arranged? We're going at the forest for the whole day so you'd better prepare well."

"Oh" she muttered, mostly to herself.

"You forgot about it didn't you?" he sighed as her face gave it all away.

"Well" she grinned at him while scratching the back of her neck, "let's just say it didn't cross my mind". He patted her back sympathetically because for a genius like her it was a rare occurrence to be out of schedule and perfection. "I'll help you pack your stuff since mine are already packed" he reassured her. During their walk to her room he tried to ignite some sort of small conversation.

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