"Wait a minute... you don't mean-" Billy shouts before Kristy interrupts her saying "Yeah.  It's actually convenient that Dan was just recently banished.  Now I don't have to change the numbers."

She nods at everyone, signaling for them to all stand.  Another figure walks out of a secret entrance, and heads towards the crew.  The shadows blinding the figure from everyone slowly fade.

Suiyomi, who has been quiet the entire time, gets a shocked expression.  "Wait a minute, that's-!"

 "Well, what's your decision?" Infinite asks me.

I look up at the sky, with my arms behind my head.  "Traveling to a far off place, training with someone I've never met in my life... obviously i'm a little skeptical."

"Yeah, I guess I could see how you are a little skeptical.  Don't worry, you can take your time in your decision all you want.  I just want to let you know now though... they are planning another attack."


"And this time, as the way you are... you won't be able to stand up against them... they've gotten stronger..."

"Stronger?  They just lost almost all of their men!"

"True... but the Empty Agents, including Kristy..."

I grit my teeth.  "How ridiculous..."


"What's this stupid mess that's going on.  I don't get any of it.  Why did you suddenly show up?  Why do you know everything, and why did they just get stronger?  Who are you, huh?"

"I told you, I'll tell you on the tri-"

I lunge forward and grab this bastard by the collar.  "I asked who are you!?  Don't blow me off like that, if you want to train me so badly, just give it to me straight!"

"Wow, she was right, you do jump ahead all the time..."

"Who was right!?  Are you talking about Brima!?"

"Brima?  Oh... yes, actually.  She told me all about you.  How you were an idiotic, dull minded baboon who couldn't even grasp his mind for a single second to think about his decisions..."

"S-She said that about me?"

"...But you were her idiot.  And she really cared for you a lot."

I tighten my fist, and push him away.  "I'm going for a little walk.  You are going to tell me everything when I get back."

I jump off the ship and walk into the forest, extremely agitated.  After an hour of silently walking, I rest against a tree, and emit a bottle of water in my hand.  I start chucking the water down and throw it in the grass.

Just when I was starting to feel better, I get bombarded with more confusing crap.  I don't even know if this training would be worth it.  Why am I so important to everyone?  I keep fighting, and failing.  It's like I'm going on and on.  At first it was for my own satisfaction, but I don't get satisfaction out of what we are doing now.

Out of all my supporters, I don't gain any sense of satisfaction from them.  Are they just using me for their own goals?  Back in the days, I received plenty of support from my friends, that boosted my morale.

But now it seems like they all rely on me, and I don't receive a single thought on their mind.  I feel left out.

"Hey now... you're feeling like a huge mess, huh?" a voice says to me.  I look around, but see no one.

"Don't look around you idiot, it's me, you don't remember my voice after so long?"


Enter The Sandman 2: Karmatic RecreationWhere stories live. Discover now