Dinner with family

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I wore a blazer with dark coloured jeans and smart shoes. I was so nervous to meet Emily's parents.


I wore a dress which was tight from the top and flary from the bottom. It came up to my knees. I left my hair loose and put some eyeliner and mascara on. I went downstairs and sat on the sofa. I checked the time and it was 5:55pm. Harry was going to be here at 6.

"Dad, please dont be harsh on him." I said, worriedly.

"What he gets, is what he deserves, my dear." my dad said, fixing his shirt buttons.

I sighed and the doorbell rang. I scraped my hand through my dress and went to open the door.

I saw Harry standing there nervously and he was wearing a blazer and jeans.

"You look smart." I said simply with a smile on my face.

"Thank you. You look very beautiful." he said slowly, as always. I dont even know why he talks so slow. I mean, its cute. I think its because hes from Cheshire. They have lovely accents.

I led him in and into the dining room. I sat next to Harry, and my dad sat opposite him, with my mum opposite me. I hope this goes well.

"I bet this is going to be lovely, Mrs Stewart." Harry said.

"Oh, please. Call me Martha." My mum blushed.

"So, Harry. I see your dating my daughter. I need to know some more things about you, so, are you going to be a singer all your life?" my dad asked.

"I'll be in One Direction as long as I can, and then I might go on to being a solo artist."

"What if your singing career doesent work out?"

"Well, it has worked out well for me for all these years, so I wouldnt imagine it not working out."

"Hmm. Are you just going to leave my daughter alone when you go on tour?"

"No, ofcourse not. I would ring her everyday, so she wouldnt feel alone."

"I dont think that would work out too well."

"It should, because 3 of my other bandmates have girlfriends and it seems to work out with them."

"Okay, Harry. What are your intentions on my daughter?"

"To care for her, make her feel happy when shes upset. Do everything I possibly can to make her the happiest person on earth."

"Harry, im sorry, but your a popstar. I doubt you'll have time for my daughter. You'll be on tour every couple of months and it wont work out. I'm afraid im going to have to ask you to leave." my dad said.

My eyes widened as Harry started to get up.

"Dad you cant kick him out! Are you out of your mind?! Hes such a nice guy and clearly your too stupid to see it!" I shouted and dragged Harry out.

"Emily, calm down. It's okay." Harry said to me, rubbing my back in circles.

"Okay?! He kicked you out! You dont deserve any of this!" I screamed.

"No, no its fine. I still love you, okay? And we'll find a way to work this out. I've gotta go now but I'll talk to you later, yeah?" Harry said, clearly hurt.

"Harry, im really sorry. I love you." I said, kissing him on the cheek.

He went to his car and I ran inside.

"Dad, how could you?!" I shouted.

"He's no good for you, Em. I did what I had to." my dad said simply.

"Dad, I love him! And there's nothing you can do about it because I will see him whenever I want. I can do what I want now because I'm 18 and officialy an adult!"

"I dont care. I've said my bit, and if you carry on seeing that boy, I will have no choice but to kick you out as well."

"Mark! You will not kick her out! She's our daughter." my mum said quietly.

"Dad, do what you want. But at the end of the day, im still your daughter. I hate you right now! I cant even believe you!" I yelled, running upstairs with tears streaming down my face.


I reached home and changed into skinny jeans and a t-shirt which said 'the rolling stones'.

I sat on the sofa and all the boys said, "How did the dinner thing woth Emily's family go?"

I stayed silent for about a minute and then finally spoke. "I got kicked out."

"YOU WHAT?!" Liam screamed in sudden outburst.

"Yeah, I got kicked out by her father."

"Oh my god! Why? What did you do?" Louis asked as all of them looked at me in shock.

"I dont even know. We were all talking and it was perfect. And then her father said im not right for her because i'll be going on tour and leaving her every couple months. And then he just kicked me out. Emily was really annoyed."

"Oh my god. Whats going to happenn between you and Emily now?" Zayn asked.

"We're still together. She was so angry at her dad. She kept on shouting at him and stuff.. I dont even know what happened. Her fathers doesent like me!" I said frustratedly and ran my fingers through my hair.

"Mate, it'll be okay, once you spend more time with her, her dad will realise that you make her happy and he'll learn to like you." Louis tried to comfort me.

"Hopefully." I said.


I cant believe what has happened today. I cant believe my dad kicked Harry out. I cant even imagine how Harry must be feeling. Im so annoyed at my dad. It wasnt like him to just kick Harry out, especially when things were going so smoothly..


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