"What's so funny?" He says as he stops in front of an elevator. Jasper pushes the button.

"Nothing leave me." I say harshly. Henry's lip pouts, okay that was mean. I don't know why I did that. The elevator arrives and we step inside.

"I'm sorry." I say softly and Henry pushes the 21st floor. Wait 21st floor? I look at it again to see the button does say 21. The door close and I have to ask.

"This building looks 12 stories at most, please explain the whole 21 thing." I say.

"The guy who built this had Alzheimer's so he always forgot and that's why this whole complex is just a little off. I think you'll be pleased to know our apartment is actually 221B." Henry says and I smile widely.

"Our apartment?" Jasper interjects and I freeze. Shit, dammit Henry.

"Mi casa es su casa right? Come on, this is our new hang out guys. The three of us, what's mine is yours." Henry covers up quickly and I bite my lip. Jasper is a little gullible and eventually he'll catch onto us.

"Ohhhhhh okay, that makes sense. Aww thanks bud but I'll rarely be over at least for now, I have a lot of school work to do so you and Charlotte can take this time to bond and make memories, it's only fair you guys try to gain memories like we all have and then we can make more as a trio." Jasper says half bummed in the beginning but then more cheerily towards the end. The elevator stops and we all step off. We walk out and turn left, there is only one apartment on this side of the hall. Great! No neighbors. Henry inserts his key in the door, when he even took that out I don't know, and unlocks the door. We rush into the apartment and drop everything in what I think will be the living room. It smells like paint, I like and hate it. 

"My nostrils are on fire bro." Jasper says as he looks around.

"This place is cool but I can't wait to see the final product. Are you going to have a house-warming party? Will you make friends in the neighborhood? I think some of our teachers live around this area. Isn't this like ya know the more wealthy part of town?" For some reason I thought Jasper spoke but apparently it was me because both Henry and Jasper look astonished.

"Wow, you're starting to sound like me. Jaspy likey." Jasper says and I scowl. He whines and I smile.

"Dear Lord no, why would you even say that?" I ask as I pinch the bridge of my nose.

"I wanted a nickname." Jasper says innocently.

"Jasp will do. Come on let's put all this stuff away and get out of here." Henry voices, butting in. He's tired and I know he needs his bed.


We are home and we've both showered. Now we're just sitting on Henry's bed. We've been sitting for a while, we'd said we'd talk but neither of us have said anything. I'm tired of this and I need sleep soon so here goes nothing.

How are we going to avoid this topic in school? People will grow curious right, Jasper especially. What about Henry's girlfriend? Will she think he's cheating? That is ridiculous though.

"So Jasper's you're best friend?" Henry says starting off easy.

"Well yeah it's always been him and now you so yeah." I say adding to our light conversation.

"I've know Jasper since forever, we're fucking diaper buddies. Seriously, how haev we never met before?" Henry says incredulously. That I seriously don't know.

"Are we going to tell Jasper about our ya know home situation?" I ask, I hope he says yes. I have acquaintances but they'll never be as close to me as Jasper and how close Henry will soon be.

"Yeah definitely, we have to but let's do it over his favorite meal. I wouldn't tell anyone else cause uh, people take things and blow them out of proportion." He says sighing at the end. Something must be wrong.

"What's wrong?" I ask him. 

"Bianca's been acting more different, she's trying to change me." He says plainly but I need more.

"If you want help, Momma Char needs more so boy you better spill." I say and he smiles. I move back on the bed so my back is against the wall and Henry lays his head in my lap, laying horizontally as I sit vertically. He looks up at me.

"You got a booger in your nose." He says calmly. My face drops in horror and I already know my voice will come out squeaky and high.

"I do not! Don't look up my nose you weirdo!" I squeak out. Henry laughs and I mush his head with my hand.

"Sorry, I couldn't resist. Your nose is pretty clean though," I punch his shoulder," Ow, okay okay I'm telling I'm telling. Okay fine so um yeah she hates Jasper. I just found out that out, she called him a bucket-loving worthless piece of shit waste of live. I got super pissed and I almost blew up on her. Then uh ya know, she started asking about my family and why she's never met them even though I tell her all the time that they really don't care about me. Then of course she brought up the fact that I was a waste of space," I start playing in his hair to soothe him," but uhm yeah she just said a lot of things, and my emotions got the better of me. She ran away crying and I guess she told my family cause they want me out sooner now but our move in day is now Saturday so yeah. She's just being bitchy now and I don't like, I've seen her flirting and touching other guys, she wears skimpy clothing and she wants me to change too. She wants me to skip class, not do work, skip school, get in more trouble, get detention, fail classes, smoke, drink, get tattoos, dye my hair, just be this whole other person." Henry rants and then he lets out a huge breath. He closes his eyes.

"It might be time to let her go. I'm sorry, don't hate me but I really think it's time. You say she's been acting different and I don't want to see you change into something you're not." I say and my last few words hit me hard. I must have stopped playing in Hen's hair cause he looks at me and sits up. 

"You're right." He say and gets off the bed to turn the light off. I curl up a little and lay down, facing the wall. The bed dips and arms wrap around my tummy, a blanket is pulled up over us and I feel a kiss placed on my head, through my bonnet.

"I'll do it soon. Goodnight Char. And uhm thanks." Henry says. I just nod and I know he felt it cause my head has to be by his, I felt his breath on the back of my neck. Dammit, this boy might be the death of me.

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