"Angelina Johnson scores! 10 points for Gryffindor!" Lee Jordan shouts as the Gryffindor chaser shoots the Quaffle into one of the Slytherin hoops. A chorus of groans resonates from the Slytherin side of the stands. I remain passive simply because I'm inwardly cheering for both teams. I notice Harry sitting still high up on his broom smiling and clapping for his teammate's impressive display, suddenly a bludger zooms past him nearly hitting him. "Slytherin takes possession of the Quaffle. Bletchley passes to Captain Marcus Flint" Lee commentates. I watched intently as Flint zoomed past players of the Gryffindor team. 'Was this it? Was he gonna score?' He threw the quaffle at a seemingly empty hoop. My eyes went wide with hope as did the rest of my fellow Slytherins but then suddenly out of nowhere Oliver wood, the Gryffindor's Captain and Keeper, appeared and deflected the shot with the end of his broom. Everyone's face fell at the realization that he'd blocked the shot. Well, everyone except the Gryffindors who were cheering even more. I saw Flint give Wood and almost cynical glare, Wood only gave him a cheeky grin in return. Gryffindor chasers Katie Bell and Angelina Johnson tossed the quaffle back and forth while advancing on the Slytherins goal posts and before anything else could happen Angelina scored again. "Another 10 points to Gryffindor!" Lee cheers, he pressed a button that added another 10 points to Gryffindor on the overhead scoreboard. 

In a matter of seconds, the game got ugly. The Slytherin team, visibly irritated by their enemies success, began dodging and kicking at the Gryffindors in an attempt to score but yet again Oliver Wood blocked the shot. I had to admit he was good but for fear that something bad was about to happen to him I wished that he'd just let Slytherin score. As if on cue Flint steals a bat off one of the Slytherin Beaters as he notices an oncoming bludger. Flint swung at the bludger hitting it dead on and sending it at poor unsuspecting Oliver Wood. After getting nailed in the stomach Wood is knocked off his broom and falls to the ground much to everyone's dismay. The entire crowd gasps in horror and 'Boos' I was utterly shocked at the violent display and began to reconsider playing quidditch next year. I look beside me to see Draco cheering as Slytherin was now able to steal the quaffle and score easily without the interruption of the Gryffindor's keeper. The next thing they do is even more terrible as if taking out their keeper isn't enough Flint and another member of the Slytherin team box in Angelina Johnson and sent her flying into one of the covered towers where she collides with the stands and is sent plummeting to the ground. I watch Harry's reaction to his teammates being picked off one after another, his first reaction is an angered one but then he spots something that catches his eye. "The snitch!" I  gasp out loud. "Where!?" Blaise demands as he begins searching for any sign of the tiny golden winged ball. "There!" I point across the quidditch pitch where Harry is idling on his broom. Draco leans into me closely from my left side. "How can you even see that?" He questioned, I panicked internally. "I'm far sighted" I said nonchalantly. He, as well as a majority of Slytherins, began laughing as Harry's broom began to buck wildly eventually throwing him off. Luckily Harry managed to keep a tight grasp on the broom so he merely dangled from it as it continued to shake violently.

I was worried for him. Gosh, I hope he didn't fall off. What was happening? I looked over to professor Snape hoping he'd give me some insight as to what was happening but I couldn't make eye contact with him, he was focused entirely on something else. Harry. 'Are you serious? Is he jinxing the broom? How could he do that, he's a teacher for Merlin's sake!' I had to stop this. I got up from my seat and began making my way through the isles to the stairs. "Rachel, where are you going?" I heard Draco call out towards me. I turned back to him briefly. "The girls lavatory" I said simply to which he gave me a semi-embarrassed grin. "Okay, just don't be gone long, I don't want you to miss Potter falling off his broom" I gave him a curt nod and a fake smile. When I turned and dashed down the metal stairs I rolled my eyes in disbelief. 'He can be such an ass' Once I was under the stands I made my way to where I knew professor Snape was sitting. I bumped into something. "Hermione?" "Rachel? What are you doing down here?" I looked at her suspiciously. "I could say the same for you, these are the Slytherin stands" I informed her.  She shuffled awkwardly. "Snape is jinxing Harry's broom I saw with my own eyes" She said hurriedly. 'Set it ablaze'  A faint voice whispered to me. The same voice that told me I shouldn't trust Quirrell. Hermione was about to set Professor Snape's cloak on fire but I caught her hand in time to stop her. "No, wait!" I told her. "What is it, Harry's in trouble" She said. "I know just...hold on" I trailed off eyeing Professor Quirrell's cloak. I don't know what prompted me to do it but it's as if I had no control over my body. I reached out to touch the fabric at the bottom of his cloak which was hanging below the stands but inches before my fingers made contact I unconsciously muttered, "Lacarnum Inflamarae"  The second the words left my mouth sparks shot out from my fingertips and caught the material of the Professors cloak.

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