Good Byes

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I sat alone in the justice building I felt sick. The door opened and Mum and Rio stood in the doorway. Mum ran over to me and gave me an enormous hug,

“Yazzie!” my mum cried, burring her head in my shoulder, Rio still stood by the door,

“Are you OK?” I asked, he didn’t say anything his face was as white as a sheet, “Come here,” Rio walked over to me and joined in the hug,

“It’s all my fault,” he wimped,

“No it’s not, it’s not your fault that the capitol picked your name out of the bowl,”

“Yes it is,” I frowned,


“It was a fix, the capitol have had it in for me since the word go,” I hugged him,

“It’s Ok Rio, it’s still not your fault,” a tear rolled down Rio’s face, “Rio just do me one thing, ask Riza and Arnold to bring me my wand,” Rio nodded. Two peace keeper came into the room and dragged, Rio and Mum away “Bye, I love you!” I cried after them. The door opened again and in came Louien, Gregory, Comley and Amirita. They all ran over to me, Gregory had obviously been crying.

“We need a plan,” Louien cried, “We can use this to our advantage,” I shuck my head,

“No we can’t-“

“Yes we can, you’ll be in the capitol Yazzie, you can do some stirring-“

“No,” I said again, “That will start off a mass rebellion, that’s not we want but we can use the hunger games! Use it as a front, a cover, everyone’s attention will be on the games not on us!” Louien nodded,

“Yeah. Just please come home Yazzie,” I saw the sadness in Louien’s eyes. I looked at everyone and the room, all of them were sad but they were trying to hold it back (apart from Gregory).

“Just,” I said, “just remember to stick to your work, don’t worry about me I’ll be fine,” there was a lump in my throat I had barely finish my sentence for I started to cry. Amirita came over and hugged me,

“You’re right Yazzie, you’ll be fine,” she said, “You’re a witch, you can do magic and none of the other tributes can!”

“Out!” A peace keeper, who had appeared at the door, yelled. There was just me in the room for a few minutes but then suddenly the door swung open and Riza and Arnold appeared. I jumped up,

“Have you got my wand?” I cried, Riza shuck her head. My eyes bulged, “What?!?”

“You can’t take it with you,” Riza said,

“I’m allowed a district token you know,”

“I know,” Arnold said, “but you need to take that jumper,”

“Have you totally lost it?!?” I cried, “I can’t win unless I have my wand!”

“You’ll have your wand,” Arnold said calmly, “just not as your district token,” I frowned,

“How will I get it then?” I asked quizzically,

“We’ll send it to you by owl as soon as you’re in the arena, that way you won’t lose it while you’re in the capitol,” I took a deep breath and nodded. Riza walked over to be and hugged me,

“Good luck Yazzie,” she said and then they were gone.

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