Me the new girl and him CHAPTER 2

Start from the beginning

And all of the guys formed a circle with Aiden and James in the middle.

Oh yeah that's private.

I heard mumbling and then I heard my brother say loudly in bits and pieces,

"oh hell no------- never dude never----- I do but---I cant---- I don't care I cant take advantage of her like that----- but shes my sister!---- I---- I ----- ill ask but seriously that's a stupid deal."

Oh great im involved in this.

Before my brother could get to me I ran into the main building and into the main office to get my schedule and locker number.

"oh hello, how can I help you?" the front desk lady said.

"Uh im new and I need my schedule and locker number" I replied.

Her face lightened up,

"oh my such a pretty girl, welcome to Midwood prep. I'm Lucy, whats your name so I can give you your stuff."

"Oh my name.....sorry it Victoria West. And I'm a sophomore. (Btw I forgot if I mention her last name but West is gonna be it from now on)" I said.

She smiled and handed me my stuff.

"Have a nice day and good luck." She said.

I smiled and walked out of the office.

My hands were full, I had textbooks and my locker key and my schedule.

Not paying attention I slammed into someone sending everything in my hands to fly everywhere.

Embarrassed I looked at the person.

Ohmigosh! It was Brett. Greaaattt!!!

"Sorry" I mumbled.

Without looking up he said,

"You should be"

I gasped shocked.

His head shot up.

"Oh! Sorry I didn't realize it was you Victoria." He said nervously and started picking my stuff up.

I bent down to help him.

He handed me my stuff and said,

"So I'm guessing you didn't hear the 'deal'?"

I shook my head.

"Yeah I figured you ran into the building before you could hear it. Do you want me to tell you to prepare yourself?" he said laughing.

I shook my head again and replied,

"Not really...well kinda, but I'm scared to hear it so I'll just wait to hear it from my brother."

He smiled and nodded.

The bell rang.

"Well I gotta go to my locker. See ya around." He said and got up and strolled away.

I got up shoved my stuff into my bag and went on a quest to find my locker.

THANK GOD it only took my a minute to find it.

I walked up to it and stuck the key in. A girl who im guessing had the locker a few lockers down from me stared at me.

I slowly turned my head to face her.

"Hi there!" she said approaching me.

"Hey" I replied, trying to shove some of the unneeded textbooks into my small locker.

"You're the new girl right?" she asked.

"Yeah" I said.

She smiled,

Me the new girl and him FINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now